General Discussion

General Discussionlate-game abadon

late-game abadon in General Discussion

    He's great early, but is he on the level of agility carries in late-game with that passive of his? And does it stack with skadi slow?

    Also is the ol' Mom in ulti thing smart or is it stupid?

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        If hes on the lvl of agility heroes? definatly not. He can carry but not in pro scene.

        Low Expectations

          Abbadon is a horrible carry, getting Mom is just plain stupid. His passive does stack with skadi but you will get kited lategame and as soon as your ulti goes off someone will use Euls on you and your ult is off. You have no roidskills (look at PA ulti/Sven utli/CK ulti/Void chrono)
          He is a support hero, get soulring/mana boots, vlads for the team and blademail for teamfights.
          The heros greatest strenght by far is that his shield purges so he is like a alternative to omniknight.

          casual gamer

            he has no armor and hits like a kitten, aka shit carry

            he also hands out stun removals like candy, but only when not AAing


              Abaddon does great late game, but not as carry. He excels as being a tanker absorbing the damage for the team, and also as being aura carrier beefing up his teammates.


                I have played him as a carry with success battlefury sny skadi mkb ac ect...... but I would never draft him as a carry at least not in the one position......... he can do work as a core support/carry hybrid.......... sooo best way to carry with abba I think is send him offlane with another support and let abba get the last hits and have your real agi carry in safe lane.......... something like an abbadon warlock offlane can do work


                  eh, you lost like 15+ times because of going into a semi-carry state lol

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                          this hero is support
                          dont try to ask anything carry item like basher skadi or whatever
                          case closed

                          Dire Wolf

                            Get radiance, ac, mek, vlads, solar crest and buff the shit out of your team.