General Discussion

General Discussionblink luna

blink luna in General Discussion

    i've been trying blink on luna and the item is fantastic for her; positioning for ulti, clutch-play escapes/kills plus phenomenal farm rate.

    Why is not so popular? I go RoA->treads->helm->blink->manta/butter/satanic->skadi

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      on normal skill dagon luna is fantastic too


        lol. i dont think blink will be bad on high skill


          its very very very situational also if ur in a huge lead u can pick it up too

          Miku Plays

            2250 gold wasted


              ^ enjoy pokemon masters penetration


                but isn't it easy to bait out/juke her ulti on higher skill levels.


                  its always easy to fog her ulties... if luna is a good player he wont waste ulty on dark side of map


                    Luna's ult gets useless after mid game. It's at most an annoyance and forces to pop your BKB or back off a bit if you're an support. And blink doesn't make her farm faster because her movespeed is high as fuck, and she can clear the entire jungle minus 1 camp in less than one minute once you have yasha, with manta even the entire jungle.

                    Pom Pom 🍕

                      it's good if you play her as a walking ult with agha, but as a position 1 farmer you're better off buying a yasha, drums or even mom for the same amount of gold. Blink does give her an escape which she naturally lacks (other than her high base ms you can boost a lot with %ms items), but with her low attack range and health, she needs to be in the front a lot of the time (BKB is a must), she can't play cowardly and needs to be semi-tanky.

                      plz do

                        Luna needs other core items - u want to build her towards right click dmg cuz her ult is useless in late. Lifesteal, bkb/manta, damage items. Dagger seems rather situational because u can outrun most heros and ur jumping glaives hit most targets anyways. In a good team someone else will play that role w a dagger gankin and disabling so u can hit like a truck.

                        Pom Pom 🍕

                          It can be good against a sniper though since he normally sits way behind his team doing a lot of damage, but often there are better heroes who can go on the dwarf instead (and sniper is barely played anymore anyways). And if you get it for those situations it is normally like a 5/6th item.

                          Этот комментарий был изменён

                            Let me give u a tip that would work even better on ur normal skill level :)

                            The item is called S-ha-d-o-w b-l-a-d-e

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                              Y actually in normal skill for Luna even bloodstone is good.


                                if you don't play luna as position 1 i assume you go mid, but even then wouldnt you still be better off building more carry-oriented items like yasha + dominator?

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                                  Based off 3 games with 1 being a loss in normal skill? kappa. If you can play like a good 10-15 games with blink and maintain a 60+% winrate maybe il not joke about it.


                                    its not like ive tried it but ive considered it several times. the problem is that luna has that short period she has to get her items or she's gonna drag you down later.

                                    try with force staff instead :) -> more lunar blessings and you can still tank to some extent

                                    then tell me if it worked


                                      luna needs a lot of stats to be tanky and man up in team fight. Blink dagger wastes some valuable gold to boost her stats. Late game she can quickly get 6 slotted, so she also cannot keep blink dagger..


                                        did you stack or just unlucky?

                                        bum farto

                                          We were stacked with him, and sheever cause the Java guy is an IRL friend of theirs.