General Discussion

General DiscussionMore domination with PA in the border line between HS and VHS

More domination with PA in the border line between HS and VHS in General Discussion

    OK yet another success with my "no-dager headdress rat-pushing/carry hybrid PA"

    I am still experimenting with the item orders and what item to get when.
    Considering that this is a build and strategy that I designed all by my self and got flamed for it I think it was very a very good outcome with repsect to how the game developed and skill differences between the teams.

    But ok lets se what we have here:

    The overall game situation: hero levels and items for all 10 players

    Dominating as PA with 4-1-1 at min 14

    Even if they had 5000 more team experience and a similiare gold advantage at that time

    Second highest net worh even if the other team had the game advantage at min 14

    I could chase away AM anytime at this point by attacking him and forcing him to blink away.

    Game stats at end:
    Compared to the rest of my team:
    Most Kills, TD, HD, LH, XPM, GPM (much better then everyone else). Second most HH. Best KDA
    Compared to all 10 players:
    4th best kills, 3ed best KDA, 3ed best HD and TD.

    Ember flamed and reported Omni, WR and ES in my team. Not me.

    Omni failed big time. Here both me and ES has full HP but are trapped in black hole. Omni has repel and ultimate ready and mana for it. But he dont use it even if also he almost got trapped in the black hole. And both me and ES die.

    Then it just got worse.
    I got omni ultimate on me only one time and that was inside our base when the game allready was lost. He said something about that he is not a support player and usually win with Slark.

    King of Low Prio

      you are so retarded it pains me reading this


        Yes I know. You are jealous and speechless. But it is ok.

        Этот комментарий был изменён

          it was somewhat funny the first time, now it ain't


            Not trying to be funny. Honestly.

            casual gamer

              your build was game losing

              losing a game isnt domination

              going 8/8 isn't domination

              vlad hotd orchid maelstrom is an item combination i have never seen before, there is a reason for that


                How can my build be game losing when I have second most neth worth at min 14?

                And 4-1-1. If I didnt play this way we would have got beaten just faster.

                Этот комментарий был изменён

                  And I still remember when you said you didn't care about proving anything.

                  the realm's delight

                    for the first time i agree with sampson


                      why would u delay skilling a 50% 4 sec slow on 6 sec CD WHICH CAN FUCKING CRIT JESUS FUCk HOW IS THAT LEGIT


                        I love this. Keep going.

                        Build rocks, don't listen to this idiots.



                          You missunderstand me. As long as people dont tell me I am wrong I do not care about "proving anything". But when they tell me I am wrong, then I think it is fun to prove that THEY are wrong. That is all.


                          Why you ask me? I am really not interested.

                          swapping sk immortal for ...

                          Allready said it so many times.


                            Can you make me some hybrid builds for SF, please.


                                Shred you to bits

                                Well, I never play SF but Vlad should be OK on him now since it give range life steal. And that will help you push greatly. Manta would prob help you take down tower+rax fast.

                                So lets assume you are not on the mid lane.

                                Just brain storming:

                                1 wraith band
                                2 RoA
                                3 phase boots or treads if you need the movment speed, otherwise rush Shadow Blade or Desolator
                                4 maybe finish Vlad now by disabling RoA
                                5 Manta (good for ratting and escape since you can remove negative buffs like dust and slow)
                                6 if you didnt get more then basi boots now prob get boots of travel

                                If this build dont work, I would try something like this that I did on Undying. It should work on SF also since he has great use of both Eul and Rod of atos (both for ganking and escape from the ratting)

                                Or just to do the build that I do with Riki - it is both good for ganking and ratting with Riki.

                                Something smiliare should work on SF also as long as you make sure you choose the right kind of escape item considering the other team. My stats is not the best on these games in this list with Riki but it can be explained by games ruined by stacks and that I use this account to play with when I am tired etc.


                                  And you are proving people wrong with a game where the exp graph is all green when you are Dire.



                                    Yeah, I really think that graph helps to prove my point. Dont you also think so?


                                      gl trying to create a new build,but results are so far


                                        So far? You seen all my games? How did you do that? Seems interesting...


                                          why are you promotig this build so hard? if it works, thats nice, but why to make multiple threads about it? just to argue with others whether its viable or not? do you enjoy fighting with people on the internets?


                                            No, not to argue. To discuss it. So I can get feedback and improve it.
                                            But people choose to "argue" against this build so I can either argue back or remain silent.

                                            "enjoy fighting with people on the internets?"

                                            Sometimes. I kinda allready indirectly said this. But didnt use the word fight. But I prefere to just disscus as friends. But not many others seem to wana do that.


                                            Yes, you kinda got me there. Every time someone call me retard or idiot etc. my self-confidence grows and I feel a little bit better as a human being.

                                            That is why I spend so much time in this forum :) <3

                                            Этот комментарий был изменён

                                              Your build name is misleading. You claim no-dagger and headress, but I can clearly see you put points into dagger and you turned headress into Vlad's Offering which isn't headress. Everything you said about this build is now nil.



                                                But the headdress is a part of the Vlad, it doesnt disapear you know. But yes, after 4 points in blink strike and 3 in evasion I start skill dagger. But it is just a headline. Like the headlines in the news paper you know. They are never true.

                                                  Этот комментарий удален модератором

                                                    you have 1 kda on every hard carry you play, do you think that is worth making bragging threads about your shitty builds

                                                    this is beyond retarded

                                                    Livin' Real Good

                                                      Don't listen to them, glad you're trying to be different, and that you are searching for deeper tech that can possibly be used in practical competitive play, this is how the meta advances, cause of lab monsters like this. Bet you didn't even know about the term lab monster did you, you 6K scrubs. (now here they come to check my inferior dota buff) hey man, i'm a high level Street Fighter player, not a dota 2 player, been only playing a year, so fuck off. Nice stuff CC1.

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                                                        Livin' Real Good

                                                          Cause that game is garbage, and was shunned by the FGC a few months after release. It was unbalanced, had on disc DLC, tons of optimization problems out of the box for the PS3 version, the online netcode was basically unplayable (almost every match lagged, even with people who live in the same state as you) and I guess people didn't like the gem system, the auto block gem in particular. To be honest, most of it had to do with a placebo effect, other people saw other people hating it, so they did the same, and the cycle never ended i guess. SF4, Smash bros (shout outs to Cloud 9 and Team Liquid for coming to their senses and realizing that there's money in Smash Bros to be made) and MK X run the show now.

                                                          Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                            immortal mode on 1v1 me in street fighter u noob

                                                            add my steam

                                                            i wager mythicals


                                                              Happy Thoughts

                                                              You are very right. Thank you :)

                                                              Here you go, some flowers for you also :) . Positive reinforcement......

                                                              And a song

                                                              I am only guessing now. But on the other hand. I think it is a good guess.

                                                              People in the high end of the VHS bracket are with no doubt good players as long as they didn't cheat in some way.
                                                              But what are they actually good at? Getting high MMR? Definitely! But why is that?

                                                              I guess what these players are REALLY good at is to watch and understand the Pro Games and other relevant games. They learn the entire, more or less, current meta game. Besides this, they are good at micromanagement (using the mouse and keyboard) and good at remembering the meta while they are playing, and also more or less "without thinking" in every situation do and react as the current meta advices them to do. That works fine. Even very good. That means that they basically don't do any mistakes during their games. At least not according to the current meta.

                                                              However, when there is a new game changing patch like 6.84 "they" start to create topics on forums like these where they "desperately" pronounce that they cant play any more and only lose; that they have lost such a large amount of MMR now since the patch came. I have seen these threads in this forum. Anyone can just go and find them. I wrote the word THEY like this "they" since I don't know which bracket they belong to, I just see that they play VHS games.

                                                              On the other hand there is people like me. I am not good at last hitting creeps. At least not with respect to my current "hidden MMR". I often fail with the micro management. I often select wrong targets, use the ultimate BEFORE I use my blink dagger with for example Earth Shaker and so on. However, I am good at developing alternative item builds and play styles. Builds and play styles that are so different that people actually get angry and start to flame when I start threads about them. But ofc I can lose big with this also, I am not good a micro management and it is a team game and I am only 1 out of 10 players.

                                                              But when I develop these play styles I do it considering my own strengths and weaknesses, as well as the fact that I am a SOLO PLAYER that cant expect to get any support from my team at all. Some times I do get support. But usually not in any significant amount. Therefore I pick for example PA since she, as how I play her, can be good even if she is not the MAIN carry or the only carry. Just a hybrid between pusher and carry with good ganking potenial 1v1. I don't build the BKB so I know that I will be totally destroyed in a 5vs5 clash. So I try to avoid them.

                                                              I have done many drafts in Captains Mode that would be completely destroyed buy the other team if we would fight them 5v5. But when I actually manage to convince my team that with should NOT team fight with the other team, and only gank and split push, then we usually win. This PA build and play style is developed for that kind of team game. But right now I am doing it in All Pick so of course it will be not as good as in CM when the rest of my team play the same strategy as me.

                                                              Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                                "No, not to argue. To discuss it. So I can get feedback and improve it.
                                                                But people choose to "argue" against this build so I can either argue back or remain silent."

                                                                It's already clear that the only feed back you have gotten from multiple threads is that this build is a, and I quote, "trash build". It is highly unlikely that you are going to garner a different reaction from posting more threads regarding this.


                                                                  you can do better, come on
                                                                  it was fun before but this is just shitposting


                                                                    Pilot and Arin

                                                                    I understand that you guys dont read all the posts, therefore I copy paste the relevant posts for you to read here. that is how friendly and interested in the discussion I am




                                                                    Good luck reading. Then come back.


                                                                      I did read all the posts.. but somehow it's not as funny as it used to be

                                                                      we need higher caliber of your maths and theorycrafting

                                                                      Этот комментарий был изменён




                                                                          Well, i have a done a ranking list of the 22 most interesting items for me when it comes to damage/price (d/p) ratio. It is from the 6.83 patch.

                                                                          I showed this to YNIT on steam yesterday and my impression is that he really liked it.

                                                                          I show it some day when I have time for it and everyone is nice and calm.

                                                                          Untill then I give you a teaser :)


                                                                          The assumptions are these: any hero with base damage 100 and no other items. The attack speed from the item is not accounted for. But it is listed as a reminder in the very left hand column.


                                                                            Is this the same guy that wanted to play PA like Nature's Prophet?



                                                                              Yeah I said something like that. Which of course was a simplification. But in some sense, yes.


                                                                                Yeah i remember that thread.
                                                                                Fun times were had.

                                                                                Quick maffs


                                                                                  Hey OP

                                                                                  Your build sucks

                                                                                  Like seriously, i am not trying to flame or to be mean.

                                                                                  Its just bad man


                                                                                    maelstrom - shit item on pa, waste of attack speed, get bf instead if the goal was farming. if not, since mithril goes into bkb as well, make bkb instead

                                                                                    orchid - situational if u rli need the silence, but mana regen gets wasted mostly

                                                                                    headress - WHY THE FUCK R U A FKN SUPPORT

                                                                                    both vlads + helm - WHY THE FUCK

                                                                                    an abiltiy to slow enemies and last hit effectively in a contested lane - NOT TAKEN - WHY THE FUCK

                                                                                    HOW THE FUCK DID U GET INTO HIGH AND VERY HIGH SKILL RETARDED VOLVO


                                                                                      u jelly


                                                                                        To be honest you avarage GPM networth sucks bad, in neither of your pa games you had one above 500, speaks for it self...

                                                                                        John Ghotti

                                                                                          dude keep going , don't listen to the haters , they just jealous . u got it bruh /s

                                                                                          on a more serious note , u say u're intrested in the potentiel feedback and discussion , however no matter how many points were made about the retardiness of some parts of the build ( like not maxing dagger , wtf is wrong with u) , u're still attached to every aspect of the retard build .
                                                                                          to make ur attention whoring more intresting , atleast try to change some parts of the build (with the build remaining retarded ofc ).

                                                                                          Look at me, Hector.

                                                                                            My facial structure is almost perfect golden ratio, I'm tall but not awkwardly so, thin but not awkwardly thin, with ample muscle tone and sound grooming habits. I have a pretty voice, don't go apeshit on VOIP every game like 90% of this forum, and my girlfriends and boyfriends are almost all at least 7/10 on most people's scales with some almost certainly garnishing 9s and 10s. Not to mention I have an IQ of 162 and a nice size member, with pics to back that statement up sent privately to any naysayers. I'm far from perfect... I have glaringly obvious psychological issues stemming from a childhood of abuse and torture by children just as pitifully jealous as you... but physically, I'm very gifted and use my gifts almost exclusively for the betterment of my race... with the one exception of this stupid forum that I use to outlet frustration and, every so often, actually talk about Dota.

                                                                                            Quick maffs

                                                                                              ^Love the copypasta


                                                                                                if you one day magically reach the skill level of 5k (where you say you belong)
                                                                                                you will understand how silly and non efficient your "builds" are.


                                                                                                  7 games, 57% winrate, 1.36 KDA
                                                                                                  amazing performance indeed


                                                                                                    If I remember the comments above that I did read recently then I have various answers and responds in the thread I started yesterday snd that I called Theory crafting. Go read this if you are interested.