General Discussion

General DiscussionCan silencer life steal off bonus wisdom damage with new vlad?

Can silencer life steal off bonus wisdom damage with new vlad? in General Discussion

    Has anyon tried vlads with ranged orb heros in general and worked well?

    Dire Wolf

      I want to say it depends on the orb but I'm struggling to find any orb that you can lifesteal off of.

      Silencer's wont: "Glaives of Wisdom deal their damage in a seperate damage instance. So they are unaffected by any attack modifying effect."

      Clinkz's searing arrows won't lifesteal.

      OD's same. Separate instance of dmg.

      But a lot of dmg increasing passives will like viper's nethertoxin, lifestealer's feast, shadowfiend's necromastery.

      casual gamer

        you can lifesteal off am mana break with vlad, for example


          Bonus int damage is not an orb. It is int damage.


            if it is physical, it depends on whether it adds to your attack damage or whether it is a separate instance like timberwolf said. if it's not physical damage then you need octarine because it's definitely a separate instance of damage since the damage types are different.

            all ranged heroes with orb abilities (ench, od, silencer) are not physical so there's no use getting vlads to lifesteal, since their physical damage isn't that great.

            i think the only reason you'd get it is if you wanted to get desolator and still be able to lifesteal, which is something you could do on melees but not ranged before 6.84.


              why not octarine

              THICC BABY SHUM

                I seen huskar build octarine core, worked good for him.


                  Ya I tested vlads silencer and i raring silencer s bits u guys are right but surprisingly enough silencers physical damage is similar to his pure damage from glaives so his auto attack is like half and half depending on enemies armour obviously vs high armour glaives will do more but like vs 9 armour was similar

                  Zero IX

                    ^um what

                    Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                      I think he life steal off his base damage not the INT bonus orb attack. For that your need octarine.


                        Y, no life steal from glavies attack. No crit also I think.