General Discussion

General DiscussionSmurf Accounts

Smurf Accounts in General Discussion
furry stalin


    Is there anything i can do about smurf accounts? Report or something?

    I'm on 2.2 K now and I just Played a Game vs. a 1.5K Magnus who destoyed us.
    Ok we played a 4 vs. 5 since PA was useless but this guy...
    Than i looked at his Profile:

    How can he be on 1.5K
    I dont know why people loke him doing this but it just takes the fun out of the game.

    Эта тема была изменена

      was he solo or in a party? if he was solo i wonder how he calbrated near 1.5k if he has that many wins and so few losses.


        and there's nothing you can do about it. just move on. it's only one game

        furry stalin

          he was solo


            Out of curiosity, what were some of his remarks during the game?

            If my impressions on this forum are to be trusted, with a few exceptions, people who use smurfs fit most if not all the following criteria:

            A) they're always angry all the time
            B) they never have anything constructive or useful to say
            C) they'd rather be sodomized by a rapist than have their precious MMR be degraded

            furry stalin

              yeah in know but some friends of mine told me similiar storys of experience with smurf accounts. I hope this is not becoming a trend

              furry stalin

                Haha :D
                Nice commend skorbutix :D

                But he didn't wrote a single word in the whole game


                  It shouldn't, considering the anti smurf system in place.

                  Either the guy is a leftover smurf from a long time ago or some people are starting to buy 1k MMR accounts.


                    LMAO i feel bad for u.

                    furry stalin

                      ah ok. so there is a anti smurf system?

                      I wonder how it works. I mean is it not obvious if someone is 1.5k with 93% win rate

                      CAN'T WIN

                        Looks like he bought the accont, some people buy 1k mmr acc to see how hard they can stomp, to do experiments or whatever.

                        CAN'T WIN

                          Anti smurf system is: when u do a new account, they see if u played dota before and match u with people who know how to play dota (higher lvl), so u cant bother new players.

                          furry stalin

                            Ah ok. thank you for this

                            Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                              I played vs. him in a 3K mmr game before, we lost a close game where he carried his team to victory. Yea his skills are legitly 3.5k-4k MMR. If I remember correctly he was stacking with lower level players. 2.9-2.8k but yea in my tier he's already too good so he must been just having field day with people in 2k mmr.


                                why hes in normal skill bracket?

                                EZ MID 9k mmr

                                  It was IG.430 what did you expect?

                                  furry stalin

                                    Strange... in the results at the end of the game he was 1.5

                                    Bad Intentions

                                      Interesting.. his skill level is definitely @high 3k++&

                                      He probably bought a smurf to try out the lower brackets, sadly there is nothing u can do here.. Either bring your A game or hope theyre on your side.

                                      Probably report for abuse?


                                        Pretty sure he bought that account there is no way he could be 1.5k

                                        casual gamer

                                          i dont get people who smurf repeatedly, 3+ accounts.

                                          how is it fun to alternate between crushing noobs and being put in toxic low VHS smurf bracket? knowing that you will not improve as much as if you just tried hard at your normal mmr cap and payed attention to your mistakes?


                                            There are many reasons really, maybe you want to practice a new hero without getting flamed or reported, maybe you are selling the account/boosting an account which makes you look like a smurf. Maybe you want to break a record or want another shot at calibration.


                                              "maybe you want to practice a new hero without getting flamed or reported" - ever heard of unranked and bot matches?
                                              "maybe you are selling the account/boosting an account" - which is both against the ToS
                                              "Maybe you want to break a record" - so... e-peen?
                                              "want another shot at calibration" - or just, you know, play your main account until you are in the bracket that fits your skill level?

                                              Many reasons for smurfing can be found on the interwebs, but let's face it, the real reason is mostly one these two:
                                              - "My team mates are autist trash, I belong into a higher bracket! My next smurf will definitely have a higher MMR!" (the famous Dunning–Kruger effect)
                                              - "Let's calibrate as low as possible and stomp some noobs!" (the even more famous asshole effect)


                                                Hey I played this same player too on match

                                                The skill bracket was the same (around 1.5k MMR), so I wonder wut de fuk is going on here? That is 2 moths ago, they guy has 90+ win percentage and still is roaming around the same MMR bracket? What? Please, you can check the match ID and confirm Im not just being paranoid here.

                                                I remember complaining about this at but my message got deleted within 24 hours of posting and linking to this guys profile. Why?

                                                He played SS mid, did not comment anything during the game and did not play very much with the enemy team - just solo snowballed the game very early, just picking us off on very early and with moves that would imply much higher skill than his MMR.

                                                I wonder what the hell is going on here. Why does he not just rocket his way out of this MMR bracket? I counted he has won ~100 games after playing with me, losing only 5-6. If its safe to assume wins and losses count around 25 MMR points each, he has gained 2500 MMR and lost 150. That should put him into 1500 + 2350 = 3850 MMR by now.

                                                What the fucking shit is this? The guy has his MMR locked into 1500 and is just trolling people there? I knew back then theres something odd about this, and this thread just confirms it.

                                                Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                  When I first started the game, I was unhappy with my mmr, and mistakenly thought that I could make a smurf to get a higher mmr. Unsurprisingly, my smurf calibrated to the same mmr as my main account.

                                                  Last week, I went back to my old, abandoned smurf (which is still in normal skill). I played a few games, and won about 90% of them.

                                                  The enemy Magnus-smurf might be doing the same thing.


                                                    Guys, he bought the account and he activated dotabuff later. So the account is still 1.5k and he's stomping all the matches, but the matches you see on dotabuff are only the ones he played after buying it.
                                                    @Juice probably he bought the account at 0.5k mmr so now the is 2-3k, or he played in stack

                                                    Bad Intentions

                                                      ^i guess if he keeps on playing the way hes playing, hell be out of his current bracket in 2k to where he should be at high 3ks

                                                      But yea for this to happen in the first place is quite unfair for fellow 2k players

                                                      Dont worry guys, he will hit a wall in his real bracket.


                                                        @Reese, no he did not play in stack, at least not in my game.

                                                        Good point, though.

                                                        Edit: I still find it very disturbing that he still plays at 1.5k games as Magnus (referring to OP) and I can confirm that is the same bracket where he played vs me, 2 months ago. Everyone can verify from his Dotabuff that he has played and won a lot between those games.

                                                        Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                          > Dont worry guys, he will hit a wall in his real bracket.
                                                          and he will ruin many games while he gets there, these "mmr experiment" people are so retarded

                                                          Bad Intentions

                                                            ^i feel u. just probably report him so he goes to low prio.


                                                              If I remember correctly there used to be a bug where you could prevent stats from updating by turning them off during the game. But I thought Valve fixed that 2 years ago.


                                                                smurfing to normal skill bracket in order to achieve high winrate seems to be rather boring. even though you win, you dont rly feel satisfied cause nor your mater neither enemies are strong. why would these guys even do it, its not fun imo.


                                                                  Playing vs bots on high level are more fun then bashing noobs

                                                                  Maybe the guy let a friend play on his account. Or his big brother.

                                                                  Krazy Kat

                                                                    >Dont worry guys, he will hit a wall in his real bracket.



                                                                    7210 MMR

                                                                    Bad Intentions

                                                                      ^he could not be the real IG 420.. or is he?

                                                                      furry stalin

                                                                        i dont think so :D :D why he would waste his time and play in europe


                                                                          Hey guys, im lifting this topic up again just to wonder. Check out the profile for this player that has been mentioned here earlier and in the original post

                                                                          He still keeps winning those ranked matches, like 5+ wins a day, that should add him around 100 MME every day. By now he should have risen from normal matchmaking to high skill with his win rate but still he seems to remain at normal skill. That results in matches like this with him ending at stats 65-0. Whoa, that must have been really enjoyable game with only one player around. I mean, not even his teammates have assists for the kills.

                                                                          No, I did not play in these games (I only met this player once), but Im still wondering what is this account about.


                                                                            Haha this Made me laugh very hard...
                                                                            So I started dota 2 year ago and played only 5 man Stacks and very few Solo games my Party mmr is 4300 Now and my Solo was 2200 mmr few days ago. I decided to Start Solo mmr just to See how far i can make it.
                                                                            I got like 80% winrate the past 2 week and some of my games just looks like his. Im get up to +150 mmr on 1 Day. Im on 3,3 k Now


                                                                              Ye I see that. But as you look closer to this guys profile, you should quickly notice that even he started as at 0 MMR, by now he should be in very different bracket than the original topic poster, or me. I played this guy few months ago at 1.4k MMR and the OP played him a month ago at 1,5k MMR. You know, that just does not add up. Between my game and OP's game, this guy has won like 100 ranked games, yet he has gained like 100 MMR. It's not like hes gaining +1 MMR per game. And during the last month (since the OP's game) this guy has won a ton of games and still he plays at normal skill bracket.

                                                                              Its ok if hes just way better than I am - sure, most of you are. I'm ok with that. But I am just curious why does he not build up his MMR to rise from this bracket to much higher. Though I try to approach skilled players as an opportunity to learn, the games still are ruined if there is a locked player in low MMR, playing with much higher skill than anyone else in his games (even his teammates, who dont have even as many assists combined, as he has kills).


                                                                                He go a breaks between his games like 20 days and stuff and didnt play that much last Month

                                                                                Giff me Wingman

                                                                                  wat the fuq


                                                                                    Untrue, because he played against me in game at ~1500 MMR. A month later, he played against original poster in game and he still showed 1,5k MMR. As you can see on dotabuff stats, between those games he has won ~100 games and lost 5-6. That only should add him from original 1500 MMR (where he played vs. me) to ~3750 (won 100 = +2500 MMR, assuming average gain is +25, and 5-6 losses, lets say -250 MMR, so total should be around +2250 MMR). Yet he faced the original poster in game, where he displayed around the same MMR as in my game, ~1500. He has won 100 games in between. You can verify that in his dotabuff account.

                                                                                    Ok, lets assume he somehow got very messed up in matchmaking in the original poster game and since he was set up with 2.2k player, he should be around that level. After the game with original poster, he has won another 54 games (losing 7, totalling +47 wins, should be around +1175 MMR from 2,2k to 3375 MMR) - howcome he still is placed on "Normal skill" bracket in his latest games? Those are all ranked games.

                                                                                    My kid is playing dota 2 too. He just raised his MMR from 3,0k -> 3,6k. I guess it was around 3100 - 3200 MMR where his skill level was changed from "Normal skill" to "High skill". Now, this guy just keeps on winning his games and he still stays at "Normal skill" bracket. I find this players profile / stats very disturbing.

                                                                                    In addition, if this guy started at 0 MMR, he has atm 188 Ranked matchmaking games won. He has lost 16 matches (both ranked and unranked combined). That should equal around 4300 MMR points, assuming average gain is +25. That with starting from 0 MMR, which i find very unlikely. During his dotabuff career, he has earned up to +4300 MMR points, and still is playing on "Normal skill" matchmaking and has lately played vs. me, a 1500 MMR scrub. No, I do not think everything is in its place here.

                                                                                    Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                                                      He could have lost some games on pupose while He turned his DB Profile on private, and Made i public again after that

                                                                                      Bad Intentions

                                                                                        Or he might be a dev? Testing how other mmr ranks are doing?


                                                                                          Or Its icefrog himself and He always have the mmr He wants to have... Who knows
                                                                                          Or maybe even juck norris?

                                                                                          Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                                                            Well we would be doing +25 MMR better if he werent there ruining games. ;)

                                                                                            Edit; yes, he may be a dev since I posted his profile at forums complaining his very obvious skill difference in matchmaking thread, but my post was deleted within 24 hours I posted it - just can not find it there anymore even from my own post history.

                                                                                            Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                                                              Your on 1,5k? You could get to 2,5 very easy just with playing the right heroes


                                                                                                Well thank you, I do my best out there but then again I go on and play tired / tilted etc. and lose like 250 MMR in one day.

                                                                                                I ever started to play dota only for my kids, who were interested in the game and carry / mid roles. I only played supports for them in my early career. Mostly omniknight, so my kids got to practice their roles better. I even left all kills for my kid to take, even I coulda have finished the opponent immediately, I learned to wait for the carry to come on over and get the final hit. Well, I did not know that hero damage and KDA ratio would determine your MMR, so I originally got like 1350 MMR calibrated, even I won 9/10 calibration games. My KDA was very poor since I only played witn Omniknight (still my most played and liked hero). However, it has proven very difficult to grind my way up. My kids have both left this bracket ages ago, but Im left here trying to get out of this level. I have played at 3k 5-man team games, and I do fine there. Im not even close to being worst player in those games.

                                                                                                But hey, Im often told that Im a good support. ;)

                                                                                                Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                                                                  Slark, bloodcyka, pa, void, riki with that 5 heros everyone EVERYONE can reach at least 2,5. K im pretty sure about that

                                                                                                  Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                                                                    Yes I tried Riki a while ago and won ez but did not enjoy play that hero. I only pick heroes I enjoy. :)

                                                                                                    Im sure Ill make my way up eventually with my favoured heroes too.

                                                                                                    Bad Intentions

                                                                                                      Yo juice its all good since your kids are now graduated into a higher bracket, its the sacrifice parents have to do for them kiddos :)