General Discussion

General DiscussionCurse of Avernus strong AF.

Curse of Avernus strong AF. in General Discussion

    3 games in a row 20 min gg. It's so easy to dominate offlane with a dual lane.


      dont tell people pls


        Plenty of other stronger dual offlanes out there.

        If you told me to pick between an Undying or Abba, I would pick Undying. If you told me to pick between a Tusk and Abba, assuming the Tusk knows how to play, I'd pick Tusk. Undying provides way more kill potential and still has a decent heal. Tusk can gapclose me if I was say an Ursa or whatever and he can dodge stuns and isolate someone very well. Good Tusk players can lock heroes between the ice and a wall/tree keeping them stuck for 7 seconds :)

        Abba is situational becomes he contributes no form of disable and only a shield that can dispel a stun with a okay heal. He dishes out mediocre damage and has no form of harass whatsoever. In the right situation he's a beast but he's not a pick every game and be effective hero. Its not so much Abba become stronger but because previously strong laning carries such as Troll and Jug and Sniper were nerfed.

        Your first two games offlane was ezy cuz of Undying not Abba and it would have been a stronger lane if you had someone who could make use of him more instead of Abba.


          the day when abaddon outcarried PA

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            boots + orb of venom min 0 op. sing2x style.