General Discussion

General Discussionwraith king aghs

wraith king aghs in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    I did it one game. We won but I felt like it kills your farm and isn't really that effective. AC or radiance are only like 1k gold more. Part of our issue though was barely any team fights, we kept getting picked off a lot. I think it might be better as skipped unless you have a well coordinated team. I did love having a giant mana pool early though with that quick point booster. And I suppose you could grab it as a 5th or 6th slot to finish the game. Like boots, armlet, ac, bkb, basher, aghs.

    Hatsune Miku

      its an item that you should only get when turtling or pushing to throne. idk maybe situational 6th item


        My team mates kept running when it went off =(

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          Dire Wolf

            I was trying to go support cus we had an LC and weaver and LC won a bunch of early duels but he kept fucking dying going for pickoffs with shadowblade. They had sentries all over for him and weaver. I was planning on building aghs then radiance, just run around making people miss but we died too much getting picked.

            And yes, teammates would die and keep running away no realizing they get 5 seconds to fight more. I think it helped a bit on defending our rax end game, delayed them from throning us while weaver and LC throned them.

            ΙγrιΙΙνεmροs crιsτεναηιsh...

              ARMLET=shit,ac=shit, blink=shit.

              ΙγrιΙΙνεmροs crιsτεναηιsh...

                basher tho, basher is ok, also radiance is ok.

                BUT comparing to my build, still shit

                ΙγrιΙΙνεmροs crιsτεναηιsh...

                  timberwolf there is a thing called not getting muted and try to be nice and communicate, it's not like you get retards who don't listen to reason every single game


                    Does it break channeling if you die nearby a WK with aghs?

                    Example: Witch doctor ults near his ally Wraith King who has aghs. Then WD dies before his ult finishes. Does it break his ultimate?

                    Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                      in low tier get that new sb item. Cuz they will never have dust past the first 2 kills of them killing u with dust. I could see sceptor as 2nd or 3rd item but not first.

                      casual gamer

                        "armlet = shit"

                        i loled

                        Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                          I never get armlet myself. I'd rather save it for blink, crystalys or basher. Dat 60+ damage is nothing late game when drow/pa can crit your total HP pool.

                          Dire Wolf

                            Yeah but considering you can farm armlet by like 10-12 mins cus it only costs ~2400g it's quite amazing. It also has 25 attack speed. That plus treads is as much as a hyperstone or ac.

                            casual gamer

                              armlet isnt just 60 damage

                              its 60 damage AND armor AND attack speed AND 475 hp AND armlet toggling

                              for fucking 2400 gold

                              as opposed to a crystalys or basher, which offer less damage, next to no hp, no attack speed, and are awful in WK's early game

                              i mean i could see arguing for a drum or blademail or something but crystalys?


                                useles item as i said in one of the patch thread. dont ever do it

                                Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                  I know right that 700+ crit from sniper and drow as i activate my armlet only to see my HP disappear faster without... hitting... a.. single.. unit.. urgh! Why didn't i buy blink at least I'll have point blank range stun and be a useful fodder. Don't got armlet unless u plan on support and ending the game before 40 minutes.

                                  Just watched a carry wk make aghs as 3rd item. Wow it sucks. Unless you guys picked 5 carries it's useless.

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                                  Pom Pom 🍕

                                    Wraith King lacks mobility, so a blink or even S&Y sounds needed so you don't get kited around. Blink helps for initating too. Blink, stun and if they focus you they'll get massively slowed when killing you. When you're supporting it should be core to get blink on wraith king.