General Discussion

General DiscussionNew patch so far

New patch so far in General Discussion
Giff me Wingman

    I really like the new patch. The new items really make a nice change for the game, especially the octa core thingie. We played a low prio game with benao (big shocker) and everyone (except me ofc, and especially Benao 16 deaths gaming, Kappa) got rekt by a leshrac with that item.

    So far my predictions were true about 2 heroes, WK and Ursa are simply retarded. I will test Oracle later on this day.

    40k HD on leshrac. Insanely tanky and a lot of damage, the lower cooldown drove benao crazy.

    The dives are real. His new ultimate is so insanely strong it's retarded. Everytime people wanted to 3v1 me i always made it out alive with ease. There was no way for them to kill me easily, despite having a massive nuking lineup even tower diving people was rather easy and safe. Ursa is defnitely one of the best options to grind MMR

    WK got buffed in so many ways it's unbelievable. I got freefarm and a decent trilane, so i got radiance. Radiance is now more legit than ever. The extra misschance really makes a huge difference in teamfights. Not to mention the aghs upgrade which also is retarded. People can literally not die for 5 seconds and keep on fighting, also aghs gives much needed mana for WK, which was very useful against Lion.

    Quick maffs

      Aghs on furion sucks unless you are good at microing 3 lanes ( pretty simple for most actually, except for me i cant micro shit )

      You just feed the enemy gold


        What about that moonshard vision? Did you see much benefit for blink initiations on your WK?

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        Giff me Wingman

          No, the game was pretty much over by then. Those extra 250 unit more vision won't make that much of a difference on WK especially since he has no nightvision to begin with and would have lower nightvision vs other nightvision heroes.

          The only situation which is not luck based where i would say that the nightvision is really beneficial is as a nightstalker with aghs.


            Maybe helpful on slark.


              Didnt play for a while and i dont intend to do so but just from the reading it seems like terrible patch for meepo.
              Timber with aghs that heals with his spells, would be hilarious just trying to kill him. xD

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              ΙγrιΙΙνεmροs crιsτεναηιsh...

                LMFAO radiance is for retards

                ΙγrιΙΙνεmροs crιsτεναηιsh...

                  that said I do have 100% winrate with radiance wk LMFAO


                    ^ Oh man, the irony in those 2 posts. xD


                      Gyrocopter for ez doublekill at the rune 0:00.

                      Quick maffs

                        Damm i love the new rocket barrage

                        ΙγrιΙΙνεmροs crιsτεναηιsh...


                          the 100% winrate never last once you spam whatever item/hero/etc long enough


                            New patch is fun I am 1-2 in new patch so far so maybe I need play some non ranked prior to playing more ranked dont wanna lose too much mmr adjusting, what's a good easy hero to use this patch? Wraith king?

                            Sugar Show

                              Dota 2 is turning into legue of legends. Soon beach arcana for your favorite heroes.