General Discussion

General Discussion6.83 Quelling Blade + Battle Fury damage vs 6.84

6.83 Quelling Blade + Battle Fury damage vs 6.84 in General Discussion

    If your base damage is at least 4 times higher than your raw damage, QB gives [u]equal or higher damage than before[/u].

    100 base damage + 25 raw damage
    • 6.83 damage = 125 x 0.32 = 40 extra damage
    • 6.84 damage = 100 x 0.4 = 40 extra damage

    100 base damage + 100 raw damage
    • 6.83 damage = 200 x 0.32 = 64 extra damage
    • 6.84 damage = 100 x 1.4 = 40 extra damage

    With the new Battle Fury, if your base damage is 8/7ths higher than your base damage or greater (~14% or greater), then the old BF gives equal or higher damage.

    80 base damage + 70 raw damage
    • 6.83 = 150 x 0.32 = 48 bonus damage
    • 6.84 = 80 x 1.6 = 48 bonus damage.

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      base + damage from stats, or just base, I am assuming it means base + stats by base since everything else in the game works that way but if its just base then the new QB is pretty horrible on anyone except tiny?


        maybe im wording it poorly or people have different definitions of base damage.
        to me, base damage = white damage number, raw damage = green damage number

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