General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat are your thoughts on Mangoes?

What are your thoughts on Mangoes? in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    Its not that popular.. But what are ur thoughts about it?


      The ring for 350 gold give 2. This give 1 for 150 gold + mana. I will buy it for some heroes.

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      Jorges Sanz

        Useful to sustain level 6 skirmishes as well as heroes who tend to go for naked blink daggers. i.e. Sk, batrider

        Wk is also another obvious beneficiary


          I buy it with Riki always prob.


            And with Doom

            EZ MID 9k mmr

              Treant likes tasty fruits on his branches.


                They taste good, but make you feel like shit if you eat too many.


                  double stun for sven or WK at first rune.

                  so yea... good item.


                    it seems like it'd be something that mid laners get maybe? the regen helps a little in lane - not as much as a tango offers, but it makes up for that by giving you extra mana if you want to attempt a kill at level 6, especially as a storm spirit.

                    could be entirely wrong though.


                      Core items for support: Mango and Magic Wand. Love them!!!
                      The mek+arc thing is too expensive btw... The medal too...

                      Im the Bully of my School

                        its actually popular item in test client.


                          this item is around 1/3 as efficient as clarity (in mana/gold)
                          so if you are playing heroes spamming abilities you better take clarities
                          you want this for heroes with shitty manapool who have problems to use two or three spells in a teamfight or gank

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                          plz do

                            basically for offlaners or supports who need hp regen to trade xp and harrass and can gank w lvl 6 and need instant mana (thinkin clock, phoenix,...). supports can feed or eat mango to save their carry from a gank. but noone would waste 150g on a spoiled vegetable, if it delays ur bottle.