General Discussion

General DiscussionStack vs nonstack comparsion

Stack vs nonstack comparsion in General Discussion
Jesus Perez Ramirez

    First non stack, team actually got to their brains it would be best to just listen to me and do EXACLY as i say:
    Long and fun game.

    Idiot 4 man stacks thinking they know the shit :

    YUP noob stacks are totally not the problem !


      the fact that people dont follow your orders doesnt make them bad. why should they? if you got matched with them, then your skill is roughly equal.


        why not switch to ranked if you're looking for 'good' dota

        Jesus Perez Ramirez

          "why not switch to ranked if you're looking for 'good' dota"

          Well friend tried to convince me to check ranked but after so many posts about how it's same as pub makes is difficult... :S


            well in ranked you wont see parties of 3-4, as well as so many leavers/intentional throwers as you face in NMM.

            Giff me Wingman

              ranked is more tryhard since you actually lose friggn points.

              Except when you are a 6k player that queues at stupid times, then you suffer frmo 4k trash like benao who thinks they are hot shit and ruin your game.


                ^how'd u know ;p