General Discussion

General DiscussionRIP Terrorblade

RIP Terrorblade in General Discussion

    TB officially useless, GJ ICEFROG
    I was hoping in a playable TB, and instead he got nerfed EVEN MORE. How can you play this hero in a meta full of spellcasters, with reduced creep bounty? This is a joke


      yeap, lets buff the skill he gets at 25, oh wait he doesnt like it?

      too bad, we'll buff naga instead, let's give her free evasion from radiance and make her ultimate actually useful for more than resetting fights with an aghs upgrade, fuck you tb

      tb is dead, deader and deadest

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          well did get a refraction buff, like it's useful


            lol. what was the logic behind reducing creep bounty? stupid volvo

            U wot m8?

              stooped as fuck man


                I wonder what will be the support impact on the creep gold reduction when they got the actual chance to get couple creeps or when they pull the jungle

                milk that tastes like rea...

                  Awkward I misread notes and posted tb is back in the other topic. Thought it was conjure image buffed in damage. Now that I know the truth yup he's ded


                    Have you guys ever played support/deathball terrorblade? I think with the changes to the reflections I might give it a try again.


                      nope, never tried that, in fact I've never considered it but i might give it a try with how the things look int he new patch, there are a lot of changes


                        "support/deathball terrorblade" no laning capabilities, no roaming, extremely level dependant

                        he has only a slow with an illusion and sunder lategame, he's bad
                        he's not viable in any role

                        Dire Wolf

                          I like the direction they were thinking, making him more dangerous in lane instead of a freakin joke, and not just reverting him to a ratter, but they didn't go nearly far enough. The range should be 400 or 450 and the duration needs to be increased to something like 4/5/6/7. He needs an armor nerf of 1 or 1.5 at level 1 while getting an hp buff of around 100 at lvl 1.


                            "Awkward I misread notes and posted tb is back in the other topic. Thought it was conjure image buffed in damage. Now that I know the truth yup he's ded"

                            Yeah, me too, on paper he seems to be in a very bad position in the new patch.

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                              for some reason they want him extreme, with high damage and armour but 0 hp. well the only thing that results in is that he'll never be picked if enemy picks lion, lina, zues, tinker etc. And they're gng to be picked a lot.

                              Seriously, what does volvo want? Tb to be erased from pub meta?