General Discussion

General Discussion6.84 battlefury is confusing :|

6.84 battlefury is confusing :| in General Discussion

    It QB a component of it now? What's up with the QB nerf on damage (form full to base)? Froggerino, Y U KILL BADDLEFURRY?


      Battlefury is stronger than before at farming, no idea what you're talking about.

      The QB is an early game buff btw, once again, no idea what you're talking about.


        In case of AM it's like, a huge buff. Relax.

        I'm thinking about Battlefury on ranged heroes tho. Dat 25% damage increase...


          I'll probably have to test this when the patch is out. My guess was that BF has now 10 less damage and QB effect is only on the base damage which is kinda meh....i mean, if you have 100 base dmg + 100 from raw damage normally you would have had 33% bonus form quelling blade (which is another 66). Now, you get like just 60 damage. Maybe a jungling AM could work? With early yasha and ring of health?


            Also, why don't they increase the cleave damage, most cleave abilities range from 30% (lvl 1) to 60% (lvl 4). Make it something like 50%?

            As a side note, brood now gets her orb removed yet AM still doesn't. Dafuq is dis????


              AM is buffed via Battlefury rework and introducion of that 7th slot IAS stone, making him more viable in the late game. Let's see how it works out first.


                BF on ranged? Are u kidding me?


                  ^cleave still won't work on ranged.


                    Also it gets the tree cutting ability which is nice.

                    casual gamer

                      the cleave radius increase is actually a large buff to ember too

                      having quelling build into bfury is an absolutely huge buff to any melee carry that builds it

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                      Dire Wolf

                        How's the battlefury a buff? Seems like creep dmg will be about the same.

                        If you were doing 100 base dmg + 65 bfury dmg + 32% qb bonus = 217 old bfury
                        Now: 100 base dmg + 60% qb bonus = 160 + 55 bfury dmg = 215 since quelling blade only affects base dmg now.

                        What am I missing here?

                        Pom Pom 🍕

                          The battlefury buff is mostly a slot-saver. You don't need to sell your quelling blade, since it's always in your battlefury.

                          Dire Wolf

                            Ok so that makes it good on AM at like minute 35, when he is 6 slotted and doesn't need the creep dmg anyway. I don't think it's a nerf, just not really a buff either, pretty much the same.

                            Natalie Portman

                              i wish it could provide cleave for ranged)


                                Hmm with all the spell spell damage likely to be used in this meta maybe am will come back.


                                  Awesome buff, now I save an extra slot after getting a bfury.

                                  King of Low Prio

                                    you dont keep your bfury after you have 6 slotted anyway.......

                                    Dire Wolf

                                      Many times you do, AM often has to push and wave clear for his team and can't drop battlefury.

                                      casual gamer

                                        yeah if you havent ended the game easily by that time you usually need wave clear because your team is getting assraped and theres megas in 1-2 lanes


                                          After some testing I did, the only upside of this is that you save 1 slot. Nothing more. I wish they'd just get it over with and make mana-break just another passive skill not orb ffs. So I can get my goddamn satanic !!

                                          Dire Wolf

                                            Thanks for testing cus that's pretty much what the math says too but always better to have a real test.

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