General Discussion

General DiscussionThis patch owns please dont give me 6.84

This patch owns please dont give me 6.84 in General Discussion
Last picking is 4 pussies

    No really hour long games that you cannot possibly win are fun.

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        One hour games.

        Sniper, check.

        Das Claw

          This patch is so good, my friends that have close to 10,000 hours on dota 2; aren't even playing it anymore.

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                slark could have easily gone refresher instead of butterfly, ez 2 stunz with abysal, ez 2 bkb ez 2 ulti.
                and btw why you need linken if you have dagger and why you need bloodstone idk.

                Last picking is 4 pussies

                  Since ppl are scrutinizing:

                  1. The guy picking techies at last second and last pick switched from brood.

                  @Kitrak before critiquing me plz elaborate on your crap nel game I watched where you put a pro player (universe on lion). You played Sven and pretty much sucked while QOP and lion dominated their team.

                  Then with about 15-20 minutes of pure space and free farm you spent that good on blink and mom but just stayed top solo for more farm and space. So do tell kitrak what could you have done differently besides your bad Sven build and play and because you were the drafter? Also why would I listen to you skipped entire bracket by calibration and you don't play DS or ES but claim to know them.

                  Back to my game gyro shouldn't have gone Aghs and the whole game we kept telling him to stay back and to build big items that own will own with r.

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                  Last picking is 4 pussies

                    @dango I went bloodstone early and got linkens because it let me constantly pressure them and kite them while avoiding death. Plus I would put my linkens on gyro a few times also to get away.

                    Hindsight we should have been more patient and maybe a smoke pick off could have sacrificed and took the 2nd lane rax but no way with our lineup we could have won. They literally would not leave base for anything. Also I probably should have went diff items but I thought we had lost big after techies last second swap off brood and their meta friendly picks.

                    Mentally though I was a bit out of it on their picks and that was compounded by the techies last second swap to techies off brood.

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                    Last picking is 4 pussies

                      @ Kitrak

                      Here are some quotes from your NEL game where you put Universe on Lion and proceeded to basically waste your teams early domination with crap farm and play on Sven (once again you were the drafter)

                      Cornholio07: press 1 if dire has an awful team comp
                      The_hammerdk: NEL = trash
                      The_hammerdk: Go pålay FPL Universe
                      Eesamatakemyenergy: super low quality uuuu
                      Cornholio07: sven just stunned a pack of illusions FailFish
                      Atahualfa: nice ulti
                      Oceanelite: lost to loomdun carry? FailFish
                      The_hammerdk: Well, this game just underlined how *** trash NEL is
                      Gamerpro96: low tier NEL?

                      All of course in a game where your opposition carries had 0 farm the first 50% of game and the other teams mid (Zeus) went SNY, MoM, and Skadi......


                      Do tell whats your critique what should you have drafted different, played different, who with more ability to play a non meta flavor of the month hard carry should you have put on sven instead of you.

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                      casual gamer

                        and guess what, dear ES spamming 3k player

                        EVERYONE in nel is still so much better than u its fucking embarassing to hear u shittalking

                        Last picking is 4 pussies

                          Based on? Right

                          Kitrak still awaiting your nel hindsight to your linked failure.

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                            Join me in my League adventures


                              Probably based on that it is a mandatory requirement that you be 5k+ MMR to play in it.

                              Sure, it's a kind of sucky tournament compared to bigger ones, but consider that the first prize is 200$.


                                your mana costs aren't high enough and your cooldowns aren't low enough to warrant getting bloodstone on darkseer. it's just a waste, when that 4k you spend upgrading soul ring to bloodstone is better spent on blink, aghs, mek, pipe, necrobook, shivas, hex, et cetera, because that'll make your teamfight better.

                                ds just uses all his mana in one go, so collecting charges is useless when you only have two low cooldown spells, surge and ion shell compared to other bloodstone carriers who often have 0 cooldown spells (or similarly low cooldown) which also cost much more mana e.g. tinker, storm, leshrac, skywrath, timbersaw as examples, and therefore will actually be able to use the bloodstone's mana regenation

                                linkens is alright sometimes but if you're using it to rat, you don't need to. all DS needs is surge and blink. linkens is a crutch and will lose you games if you are forced to get it to split push when you could have gotten an item that'll let you win a teamfight and just learned to have map awareness.

                                i dont know much about kitrak but what benefit is there to calling him out on one bad game he had? even though he hasn't played DS (on that account, he probably has a main), that doesn't mean he's incorrect about your build being bad, in the same way that casters can still offer insightful commentary despite not playing the game at a professioal level.

                                Last picking is 4 pussies

                                  Cause kitrak is a douche that smurfed on tinker void when they were OP in the meta and used them to calibrate high. Now if you look at his matches since he basically can't play crap but str morph and slark.

                                  Side note the main reason this game sucked was because if you watch the game no matter how much you outplay a team with troll/sniper they can just sit high ground all game and eventually rubber band into the win. Plus no item change on my behalf had the power to win this game so it's pretty irrelevant. Main reason for bloodstone is the soul ring is good early and so are mana boots items that put us in position to keep them in their base and the items at that point cheaply transitioned to bloodstone.

                                  Feel free to look at top ds rankings and tell me it was a total waste in some ways I totally agree but bigger issues on our side vs theirs were way more detrimental hence again kitrak just being a douche to me due to calling him out on this:


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                                    rubber band requires you to lose fights. you've got a good (or at least decent) lineup for slow sieging that you don't need to fight.

                                    you should stop trying to argue that bloodstone is good. it's not. if you want another item that provides you with a shit-ton of mana regen, get a fucking hex. saying your items would have made no difference is the dumbest excuse i've heard.

                                    if you have the lead, all 3 lanes are pushing in, you and techies can keep them locked in base and creeps will eventually chip the towers down, while your carries farm the jungles. get necro 3 and surge those fuckers into the towers, because hey its 6.83 and who cares if they feed gold if they're just gonna get 10k because of the rubber band.

                                    or surge techies so he can place a mine at the tower and run away. also why you have two items that are 7th+ slot items in your inventory are beyond me. linkens is fine and dandy in the midgame because it's stats are decent, but in the late game those stats are shit and the only time it's in your inventory is for a second when you self cast it and put it back on the courier. refresher also should be an item on the courier that you swap out.

                                    surge slark with his ult on, 4 seconds of free tower damage that the enemy can't do shit about
                                    hell, if it's so difficult to break high ground get a fucking manta. sure your stats are shitty but chip damage is chip damage. you were definitely past being 6 slotted, so you can't argue that it's a shit item, because it's still better than having 5k gold in your bank doing nothing.

                                    and if you have refresher and scythe as well as linkens don't argue that you need bloodstone's mana regen, because that's bullshit, and it's also wasting an item slot that could have been an item that is worth refreshing, such as necronomicon or shivas guard.

                                    it's pretty ironic that you're calling him out for smurfing and playing "OP" heroes when your most played is earth spirit by a fucking mile and a half


                                      yeah i did look at the top DS rankings and they don't get bloodstone often either, blink + arcanes + mek + shivas is a common theme. although if you want more proof look at what pro DS players build when there's money on the line in tournaments. I remember bone7 often going midas into mekansm on DS then blink and often shivas, universe also goes mek / blink / force / shivas, no bloodstone.

                                      mana boots are fine, soul ring is fine. that doesn't mean bloodstone is. also bloodstone is not a cheap transition lol. even if you factor in the energy booster + soul ring already contributing towards bloodstone that's still 3k gold that you need to spend to get it, which could have made you closer to any other teamfight item that I mentioned earlier, and all of them with the exception of shivas and hex have better build up, as well as actually doing something in fights.

                                      waku waku

                                        you just don't understand, speed is the heart of battle


                                          euls + mask of madness works on everyone Kappa

                                          elf wives cheat to ride m...

                                            wish i was in nel xdddd


                                              necros and shiva instead of linken and bloodstone and you might have even won.

                                              Last picking is 4 pussies

                                                bloodstone was just cheap with early items I had to xfer into. Your forgetting 2 of us picked our team off of the guy who played techies going brood at second 1 he goes techies.

                                                Linkens basically kept me alive frustrating them creating space tbh but yes shivas by time I thought about it was too late and money was tight in the early parts so I went with something that items combined too.


                                                Another fine example of this meta ^----

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                                                  gyrocopter needs a buff.

                                                  casual gamer

                                                    not really, gyro is great. once these heavy single target agi carries are nerfed you will see his true powa


                                                      I think this patch has been ok for me, I dislike it cause of the rubber banding. Roaming, stomping, then an afk slark comes and cleans you all up and then he becomes unkillable. Hard times, I don't even worry too much about sniper or troll pickers cause most of them suck.

                                                      Still looking forward to the next patch but kinda upset that players don't adjust fast enough to know that when you have and advantage push is cause you never know what will happen if you take it late.

                                                      Actually speaking of gyro he's quite fun to play roaming and just going ham on people.


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