General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat are the usual skill bracket problems/challenges?

What are the usual skill bracket problems/challenges? in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    Based on your observations, experience and knowledge, what are the common problems/challenges of the four skill bracket players below?

    Blank Skill - ?

    Normal Skill - ?

    High Skill - ?

    Very High Skill - ?


      VHS - retard calls core and ends up feeding / losing us the game

      CAN'T WIN

        normal-high people who rage you cuz u buy mom on jugg


          x6 How you know ? you are in VHS.

          in ns we don't have retards like this guy, we play for fun, we don't see troll/sniper in all games and the real problem is the theory crafting. Some players don't understand what items they need, they build linken on dusa but they don't know why, they don't buid mkb against mortred, they auto-attack creep, can't zone the opponent without taking creep agro. Some basic mistakes, but still this bracket is fun.


            Blank skill- there is absolutely no point in thinking about what you are doing, or picking a skillshot hero... the people here are just so stupidly unpredictible...

            normal skill (unranked) - A lot of trolly stacks and always that one guy that thinks picking troll is an auto win (in normal it isn't, as it's usually the player holding you back, not the hero choice), picks troll then thinks that because he can't 1v5 all game that somehow it's the supports fault....

            Normal skill (ranked) - One thing I love about ns-ranked is that meta isn't so big a deal. The thing I hate is that every single person thinks that somehow, their team is holding them back... so the good 'ol flame and blame is everywhere.


              blank skill - no problems, pro doto
              NS, HS, VHS - everyone is noob

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                  normal: picks farm dependent hero but isn't efficient and remains irrelevant or picks early impact hero and afk jungles 30mins.

                  also, reports me for going blademail necro.

                  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

                    FUCKING PUDGE MID is the problem at NS ranked matchmaking (they're awesome at hooking creeps or their teammate void in chrono). i personally enjoy zoning out these noobs who play pudge mid. someone teach them he's offlane hero (still not a good hero by any means)

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