General Discussion

General DiscussionSniper with 3 uam

Sniper with 3 uam in General Discussion
    satanic, diffusal and mjollnir
    is it stack? new ranged am? lol


      are you asking if it stacks?

      if you are diffusal isn't a UMA, Mjollnir is only a UMA the 25% of the time when it procs, and it over rides satanic when it does so it mostly stacks but satanic only triggers 75% of the time.

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        Stacked dude, i mean he can burn mana, life steal, and lightning


          he can lifesteal and burn mana on the same attack.
          if he procs chain lightning, he will not lifesteal for that one attack in which he procced the lightning, but he will still burn mana.

            Wondering why deso more popular than diffusal :|

            bum farto

              Desolator is good with heroes that have additional armor reduction. SF, TA, Slardar etc. or if you have say a dazzle/venge on your team. The actual cost for what it gives isn't really worth it and you will end up selling it off for better items.

              Diffusal isn't an orb anymore and has an active purge so useful for hunting targets as well as having a mana burn which is useful when playing sniper vs other carries with naturally low mana pool.

              I would honestly prefer to see a sniper with a quick SnY over a quick Desolator.

              EDIT: Desolator is probably more popular cause the vast majority of Dota2 players sit in a bracket where they think dmg=win

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                ^ also that red lazer effect looks badass


                  Desolator is a great early game damage item against enemy lineups who don't have high armor. E.g. a team full of int/str heroes.

                  As long as you get it early enough, its an extremely powerful item. Its meant to be a snowball type since it falls off late game and it prevents you from getting other uams.


                    I predict in that games sniper uses its purge against axe and omni ss combo, would result in epic team fight. Also diffusal giff bonus armor, as and dmg lol

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                    plz do

                      thanks for sharing ur insight. u learned the game. insta +2000 mmr for u.

                      nvm, glad ur learning


                        Desolator is better just because of the red attack animation duhh

                        Dire Wolf

                          I haven't seen a sniper go deso in ages so that it's more popular than s&y surprises me. but that said diffusal just recently become not an orb and a lot of people don't know it.

                          But I also don't think diffusal is that great on sniper. He just needs other stuff more. It's really good on stat hungry heroes who want to stack agi. Sniper wants mobility, some hp and attack speed/dmg.


                            in the specific game that op linked there was stuff to purge, like ember flame guard + obviously omni stuff.

                            as a damage item on it's own imo it sucks unless you are an illusion hero or you have another source of damage that is dependent on agi e.g. drow aura, riki backstab, or 4 other meepos for example.

                            deso is probably more popular because the majority of games are normal skill, and i guess they don't know how powerful phase + aquila + mom is.


                              But Diffusal giff +agi which it means bonus armor, as, and damage xD

                              Dire Wolf

                                Then get it I don't know. I just prefer other stuff like Sange and yasha or maelstrom



                                  "The actual cost for what it gives isn't really worth it and you will end up selling it off for better items."

                                  this isn't true - if your hero doesn't need the UAM slot it's only slightly inferior to Deadalus in terms of damage/cost efficiency even for heroes with decent armour, with the added bonus of working on structures and amplifying non-right click based physical damage (meld, shadowblade, searing arrows, sleight of fist, headshot, quill spray etc)

                                  it's main shortcoming is that it gives only damage - something not a lot of heroes can afford to go for early. as such, it competes with daedalus and mkb for the same slot - mkb gives fixed utility, and people tend to fixate over big numbers mid-late anyway, which is why it isn't very popular in general.

                                  however, if your hero already has mobility and wants to go for raw damage (e.g. clinkz), late game it actually gives one of the highest dps boosts barring Daedalus and Rapier, because the -armour is equivalent to a % boost which scales off your total damage. in endgame builds the DPS output is roughly equivalent to an AC, depending on whether you have more damage or aspd.

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                                  Dire Wolf

                                    The reason no good snipers build deso is cus they all build mom and/or skadi now. If it wasn't a uam I'll be it would indeed compete for a slot with deso or mkb. I would LOVE to build deso's again but skadi is just too damn good on sniper and most other carries that it's better to go skadi, build a slightly more expensive daedulus and enjoy the crits.

                                    anything shorter

                                      I always thought you should grab Deso for quick tower taking. More useful things out there for 1v1 pickoffs or teamfights.

                                      casual gamer

                                        sometimes in niche circumstances its worth getting deso after mom if the enemy team has very low armor, you just miss out on some lifesteal in combat

                                        the benefit of the item isnt that it lets you kill something like jug faster, but that you can 3hit lion


                                          For some next level shit, you could go mom deso and drop your deso and immediately pick it back up after having right clicked a guy to apply the -ar to get the lifesteal... do the same with your mom before hitting more people/tower. corruption lasts a fucking long assed time relatively speaking.

                                          /\/ /\ T

                                            Or just have a support pick up a medallion... Really, it's the same reduction as deso for less than a third of the cost, and it can also be used to help a carry that is being focused