General Discussion

General DiscussionDotA 5k Elo Hell

DotA 5k Elo Hell in General Discussion

    A LOT more replies than I was expecting.
    In any case, i'm probably gonna stick to chess.

    If anyone knows anything about ICC, hit me up (Blitzpawn94).



      I remember destroying some kid on a while back. His tag was Blitzpawn94.

      I don't even play chess and average IQ of 85. Chess is EZ compared to Dota.


        I agree... and that probably wasn't me (although the coincidence is uncanny). Im quitting this game permanently, so i'll be playing there a lot more often :)


          give me ur acc please? to make sure about ur retirment


            > 140iq
            > aspiring dota player who is around 5k MMR in US region
            > consciously attempting to slowly improve and hopefully make it somewhere in the dota world
            > I play chess professionally and games can last for over 8 hours without breaks)

            1 day later
            > In any case, i'm probably gonna stick to chess.

            Another dream crushed by Dotabuff.

            casual gamer

              I was matched with the OP for a game, but someone didn't connect so I never got to play with him

              I called him a brainless peruvian monkey though


                Smurfed your way to 5k anyways, you don't even deserve 5k Elo hell. Dildo hell is more fitting according to statistical evidence on people like you.

                Этот комментарий был изменён
                CAN'T WIN

                  Can i play chess against you?

                  I'm not even 4k and not a CM but i was good playing chess when i was a little kid.

                  CAN'T WIN

                    btw some webpages gave me +170 IQ xDDDD who trust this shits¿???

                      Этот комментарий удален модератором
                      PINGU NIDEPIGU

                        Thank zano for link!



                          5k core player from US would be lucky to get rated 4k EU


                            47% winrate on US east my god

                            Control panel --> programms ---> unistall a programm ----> dota 2

                            fucking god ur above funny OP



                              No, people dont care about your actual in-game performance.

                              They care about wheather you stick to the current meta and last pick support for them after they instantly pick carries that the other team allready have counter picked. Besides this they care about wheather you su when they insult you and reporting you for everything they dont like. For example lasthitting a creep and other things.

                              Welt aus Eis

                                So let's see what we have here

                                You created a smurf, abused your way to lv13 ( )
                                Started calibration at high skill but abused hero damage bug that used to overrate your MMR by using Tinker ( )
                                Calibrates at a high mmr, around 5.4k probably
                                Proceeds to have terrible winrate and KDAs cuz you're actually not that good

                                Yeah, IQ doesn't mean shit if you're 140 indeed
                                I did some IQ tests but I don't really trust them, they usually give me around 160 which I think it's inflated but who cares I'm still terrible at a lot of things, having high IQ doesn't make you a special snowflake

                                Этот комментарий был изменён

                                  > 140iq
                                  > aspiring dota player who is around 5k MMR in US region
                                  > consciously attempting to slowly improve and hopefully make it somewhere in the dota world
                                  > I play chess professionally and games can last for over 8 hours without breaks)

                                  1 day later
                                  > In any case, i'm probably gonna stick to chess.

                                  Another dream crushed by Dotabuff.

                                  ^ LMAO


                                    ~140 IQ, 20 years old, a chess International Master, and aspiring dota player who is around ~5.1k (now <5k) and is consciously attempting to slowly improve.

                                    just wow :D i truly hope you are trolling.


                                      His account suspiciously looks like a bought account. His biggest performance heroes are once he's mysteriously not played since it was calibrated. Did you forget how to play Meepo?

                                      8 months ago the account stops on EU west, then picks back up (immediately) in US east playing NEL. My guess is you bought the account and then went straight to NEL because you thought you were good enough to take the players there.

                                      Some quality perfomances there


                                      Also Kidades is a long standin friend of mine, and account seller is on your friends list. Seems he was your point of contact other than that why would you have an EU player as a US west player.

                                      Glad you wasted your money on an account you can't hold up.


                                        Amazing how much time and effort some people spend on telling an unknown guy (only 20, almost a kid) that this guy is not as good as he think he is nor claim that he is.

                                        Just another day on Dotabuff where the usuall visitor spend their time on the important things in life.



                                          Its good that people learn this stuff while they're young otherwise they could end up delusional and stupid well into their 30's. Amrite?

                                          5k, 6k are SUBHUMAN

                                            Everyone who's 20-25 in this game acts like they're 15 so that's excusable.

                                            The sad part is, even if what Havoc said is true, it misses the larger point - everyone thinks they're a special snowflake and deserve some kind of reward/prize for being "above average."

                                              Этот комментарий удален модератором



                                                "everyone thinks they're a special snowflake"
                                                Is that so? OK, good then. Lets keep it way then. The opposite would be worse.

                                                "everyone thinks they... deserve some kind of reward/prize for being "above average"
                                                TBH, I would say that this is ljust not true.

                                                I really dont understand what your point is.
                                                And If what you claim would be true. Why would it be sad? I dont see that either.



                                                  Varför är du vän med den här killen som har bilden på den där röda hjälten som har det engelska namnet för yxa?
                                                  Det enda han gör här på forumet är att försöka trycka ner alla andra som ens antyder att de skulle vara duktiga på det här spelet.
                                                  Hans liv verkar vara så tragiskt att han spenderar sin tid på att vara elak mot okända människor på det här forumet så att han ska känna sig bättre än dem. Det är sådana som han som förpestar den här gemenskapen och sprider ilska och hat istället för vänlighet och omtanke.


                                                    140 IQ but can't even control his temper over a silly game. You can see it in his last few games, poor kid.


                                                      Eh even if he smart doesn't mean he is mature/ has wisdom/ life experience. I am 26 and am not any smarter than when was 21 but I'd say I am more wise.

                                                      yung griphook

                                                        isn't 5k in like the top 1 percent of dota players?

                                                        and youre complaining because....

                                                        as a 2k player I feel no sympathy for you. I can only dream about being as good as people in that bracket.

                                                          Этот комментарий удален модератором
                                                          CAN'T WIN

                                                            plz play chess vs me


                                                              why is this thread still alive