idk i went vlads in this game, and pl is really good in a fight, if there aren't too many aoe spells.
you just want to farm up, and mb get kills on overextended enemies with difusal early game.
farm a little>mb get kills>push towers.
TY i owned a game with tranquil soul ring PL following TAKI's skill build, shit's overpowered without AoE (sven, ember)
PL doesnt get out carried. If you are getting outcarried late with PL you suck at PL. PL is the same as he always was. You need to farm. Your team needs to 4v5 defend and not feed
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He gets outcarried by almost anyone late game (because dota is 5v5 and PL is good with 1v1) Do I max lance and rush early to fight early? I feel he really needs lifesteal to sustain himself in jungle, so vlads or HoD?