I lose damn near every game when I get muted because people are too fucking stupid to understand the chat wheel.
^ my reports are getting ready :))))
it will only cost 2 doloresss ayyylmaoo
i have never got muted, so i cant compare. hopefully it works for me too, cz atm i play bad as fuck. gaben mute me plz!
I barely say anything at all, except "let's push" and "nice", so don't think it would make a difference being muted.
I usually play better muted too, well i used too since i dont get reported a lot lately (people tend to like me even if i voice flame them :D). If you're muted you're usually more focused on your own play and dont focus on feeding teammates since there is now way to flame them.
Yeah I've played better muted. Most of the time i deserve it and I need to learn how to shut my mouth at the raging 4 stack against me......
Yeah I do play better.
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Everytime i get muted i seem to have winstreak dunno why this is