General Discussion

General DiscussionLow winrate hard carries

Low winrate hard carries in General Discussion

    Why do such heros have very low winrates?

    Alchemist: 39.62%
    Lone druid: 39.72%
    Terrorblade: 41.93%

    Is it because they are underpowered or just hard for scrubs to play?


      5 months ago

      Sometimes your bad and you should feel bad..

      casual gamer

        alch sucks because he is either useless for laning phase or farms slow, even with farm you need armlet/bkb/satanic or you get blown up rly quick. hard carries outcarry him later anyway, and he sucks vs multicore w/ skadi and sny

        tb and ld are same thing to different degrees, they require specific skill that most people dont have to do well. The difference is that LD is ok on even farm, but if you don't rice like a maniac TB is utterly feeble

        Giff me Wingman

          Alch is massively underpowered, he is a flashfarming hero but unlike other flashfarm heroes like storm, ta, meepo etc. he needs way to many items to be reletant, also he lacks the lategame which other heroes have. Alchemist needs a rework.

          Lone Druid:
          Many people don't understand the concept of this hero hence they misspoition themselves and do micromistakes as well. He is rather difficult to play but he can be very effective. N0tail, Bulldog and qojqa know how to play him effectively hence being able to grind some mmr. He is good the way he is atm.

          He is a bit underpowered. He needs way to much farm to be effective in fights, TB does scale decently lategame but there are better herochoices. Overall the most mistakes people do with this hero is simply being shitty at farming.


            Because these 3 heroes aint carries at this meta.
            They are foods and they can`t win lanes


              ^ lone druid cant win lanes?

              Pom Pom 🍕

                I wish they didn't change Lone Druid's battle cry when glyph got a buff. Now you just press glyph when he battlecries, and it becomes useless since only 6s duration. With it also being 60s cd, it feels almost like a nerf most of the time, even though the armour and damage values are much bigger.

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                  ^ get a cheese double necrobook and melt one tower/battlecry

                  casual gamer

                    hotd stack, get troll summoners for skeletons

                    all skeletons get battlecry



                      That would actually have enough dps to take a t3 through backdoor, with eight skeletons

                      Its a thought...

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                      Cherrer Pak

                        Double necrobooks lone druid? legit?


                          The selling point is low BAT on the summons, which benefit from high fixed damage on Battle Cry. 2xNecro 1s can let you down a t1 from 100-0 in abouy one battlecry duration.... you're useless when its on cd, though.

                          Which troll's summons have, too... hmmm.

                          casual gamer

                            i just tested it, with 8x skeletons you can just barely bd a t3 in 6 seconds, with an ac or something similar its probably a sure thing. The only problem is having the first set expire while you hit the tower.

                            you could actually buy 4 hotds for the price of double necro three though, and get way faster pushing at the cost of it being incredibly awkward and unwieldy


                              ^ and running the risk of losing your precious skeletons in one dragon slave though HAHAHA

                              still i'ld like to try that build one day

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                              Dire Wolf

                                Alch sucks, his stun is only reliable when very shot, way too easy to dodge it. He needs a ton of items to carry hard and his stun isn't reliable enough for support role.

                                TB just kept getting a ton of small nerfs til he wasn't that good, the illusion tower dmg thing and his illusions taking more dmg really hurt him a lot. He never had a high win rate before anyway cus he needs to farm, he can't just get a couple items and go man fight, he needs to have a big gold advantage.

                                Druid I don't know, he is strong. Maybe it's the micro. Good lone druids are very hard to beat though, but he isn't easy to play.


                                  The reasons these heroes to have low winrate is realy simple. You need 2 suports to secure ur farm and u will not see that in pub.