General Discussion

General DiscussionNeed help improving

Need help improving in General Discussion

    Hello guys i'm kinda new at DOTA 2 for playing around 6 months and more, but it's just i can't get better at this game, like it's very2 weird.

    I've been crazy to this game and being a DOTA 2 txtbook by watching pros and reading a lot of guides but just still losing pretty much of my games, and also playing and staying all night just to get flamed by ppl

    even if i did well

    any tips for me in this "dead end?"

    please help, thanks


      Since you do not climb and stay low, you are a baddy.

      Thats the bad news.

      The good news:

      You can improve to 4k mmr in no time! You have so many big things you can work on, that climbing mmr is really really easy.

      1. Pick wise (heros that match your lineup or you are strong with; do not put too much effort in support below 3.5 k mmr)

      2. Learn to farm (Lasthits/Denies/Flashfarming midgame)

      3. Do not feed (Just do not)

      4. Built proper Items (Dagon Spectre might be fun, but might lose you the game).

      5. Adapt your skillbuild (there is no “right” skillbuild for every situation)

      6. Watch what is going on (Check minimap and other lanes often; use your tp if enemies dive)

      7. Make the right decisions (Push/Farm/Gank/Defend/Rosh when the time has come etc.)


      9. Check your enemies Inventories.

      10. Do not rage (lowers apm, causes you to get muted, and nobody will listen to you anyways; If someone rages mute him)

      11. If you get tired by playing, you are hungry or angry, just stop playing.

      To do this focus on one aspect a time to improve:

      Watch your replays to see your mistakes; watch pro replays/good streams, to see how they do it.


        " Do not rage (lowers apm)"
        " Do not rage (lowers apm)"
        " Do not rage (lowers apm)"

        FEED APEX %*@^)

          thx for the help

          cheese balls

            You can improve by playing with higher mmr players,

            pos 3 kokwhynoob

              MMR mark actually show you nothing
              remember it is a game, do your best and get fun
              if you really care about the process being something than nothing in a game, try master one hero, get ap game for 100 round, each lose game show the problem u can't solve will be nice, it shall improve your item build
              3 thing u must keep in minds
              1st never blame (blamer lose always, noob in your team help u improve your skill and more)
              2nd be fun :)
              3rd always follow your heart and trust your instincts

              In dota i born to kill, are you ?

              **Darkness shall claim the world ,My Darkness**

              FEED APEX %*@^)

                i don't think I like i being a carry as the team really rely on my farming capability and of course in this server full of selfish people who only wants to play carry from like 4 matches i solo queued almost no support or initiators. I used to flame though but now i just don't care, so i decided to play support but then the worst things come as usually supports are squishy and some of them are really2 risky to play, and now I'm confused, so guys any hero to suggest? Like i have lost too many on even on my favorite heroes, so i'm kinda desperate LOL


                  >Pick WD.
                  >Watch as they clump together like retards.
                  >Land MLG stun, maledict and Death Ward.
                  >Laugh in their misery.
                  >Good game, well played!

                  Dire Wolf

                    Try queing ranked, people take games more seriously and you'll learn better.

                    If you wish to play more carry focus on last hitting in lane and then farm rotations all game. It's probably the singular most important thing to learn as a carry and that alone can get you into very high skill games.

                    If support... support is way harder and has to do a lot more lol. I'd try playing some carries.

                    Also your heroes are all over the map, try focusing on one or two for a while and see how it goes.