General Discussion

General DiscussionNeed help - Can not add funds to steam :(

Need help - Can not add funds to steam :( in General Discussion
Lyralei (swe / 32 yrs) <3

    Hi I can not add funds to steam from my PayPal. The entire process works fine and I get past all the PayPal steps. But when I hit the last button in the process in Steam it says that an unexpected error have ocurred.


      It's not steam support


        Send a Steam support ticket. I know they sometimes block PayPal for certain accounts.

        Lyralei (swe / 32 yrs) <3

          Well i tried Steam support 3 days ago. They dont seem to care.

          Why would they block PayPal? The problems arises on my pure new accounts.

          Этот комментарий был изменён

            they may need a certain age

            Lyralei (swe / 32 yrs) <3


              This is not elementary school, and it is not nursery school. So GTFO of my topic if you cant be nice and only have rude things to say.


                u can give me your paypal data so i can try adding funds for my acc, if it also doesnt work we know that its bugged somehow Kappa


                  You have to determine whether the problem is on Steam's or Paypal's end: try adding funds to your Steam wallet from other sources (Visa, webmoney etc.) if that works then the problem must be with Paypal. Then you just try to figure it out with Paypal, I never used it but I imagine that their client support is more useful than that of Steam.

                  Этот комментарий был изменён

                    Steam support is often super unresponsive and slow

                    Lyralei (swe / 32 yrs) <3

                      Well, Paypal have never ever failed for me. Never ever. I am using it to automatically pay mounthly bills etc.


                        Om du inte har köpt något på länge eller om ditt konto är nytt så finns det en risk att de blockar PayPal. De gör det här för att hindra att folk köper saker genom PayPal och sedan drar tillbaka pengarna. Jag hade samma problem för några år sedan när jag började använda ett gammalt konto igen. Då kontaktade jag bara Steam och efter ett tag så tillät de mig att använda PayPal igen.