General Discussion

General Discussionincreasing mmr without smurfing.

increasing mmr without smurfing. in General Discussion

    yeah, i want to know how.

    currently at 2.5K ish, my exams will be ending soon and I am planning to increase my MMR.

    I don't want to smurf, because i Don't believe in increasing MMR to a level I cannot possibly play at.

    That being said, I think that I have trolled about for too long (just look how I play in some games, pure time-pass) and i need to discover the highest mmr I can reach by myself.

    so, any tips/tricks?something you can infer from my games? please avoid the "pick OP heroes" shit. I know .-.

    psst: don't judge the invoker game too harshly,I was playing after a long long time and we were playing 2v5 (pa, bristle and alche disconnected).


      I'd say play only if you're mentally ready. If you're not hungry, not sleepy, stuff like that. If you can minimilize your own mistakes you're on a good start.

      < blank >

        Keep spamming your best hero, Weaver. Try to lead your team and that's it.


          Your ranked MM W/R is 60%. Just keep playing and it will naturally increase.

          bum farto

            Don't pick OP heroes just because they're OP. Any hero can be amazing in the hands of the right player, so pick heroes your confident with and have proven success with. Find out which heroes you connect with and play those consistently for at least 10 games in a row. This will help you get acquainted with dealing with good, and bad games and look for things to improve on games where you performed badly and ask yourself what you could have done different (not to win) but to have had more impact, died less etc.

            I played supports mainly till about 5 months ago where I realized I was actually pretty good at playing offlane. My reliance on playing the map as a support and winning mid, and getting the carry space transitioned well into the heroes I take offlane as well as map, and positional awareness. I think you should try playing about 10+ games of storm in a row to see how you fair with him and keep at it even if you have a couple bad games. Then look back on your games and see if your storm is set apart from your other heroes in terms of overall stats and how well you feel you perform vs other heroes, how much impact you have etc.

            In 2K anything is possible, and one of the things I have found out from playing on a couple accounts in that bracket is you can really take advantage of early aggression. Even in a 1v5 scenario it is possible (with the right hero) to still get in, get kills, and get out alive provided you have picked and built properly.

            TL;DR You bracket is easy. Pick heroes you are confident in and that are viable, and play those consistently till you're amazingly comfortable with them.


              I feel very much the same as you do OP, Ive been playing with the same friends lately non stop and feel like it has gotten a bit stale. It is great to play with them as I like to Carry and they do their best to protect me and always want to help wherever they can. My MMR is 3200 odd and I really feel like I could improve on that, or atleast see if I deserve to increase it. It is just a number at the end of the day but it is also a pretty good way of keeping score (individual skill level).

              I watch streams and pro games alot and feel like it has definately improved my play, mostly my efficiency (using more resources then I used to, awareness, not getting caught as much etc.). I resigned from my job and my last day is on tuesday. Was going to have a bit of a solo MMR Marathon after that and see how it goes.

              1 differing point to Havoc I would like to make as much is it is great advice. I always like to pick last in all modes, the reason being is that I like to win (I'm a try hard). I do this so that I pick what is needed, even if I have to support. 5 cores is not a solid strategy and sometimes you have to bite the bullet and support. Your carry might be awful and you could be 10 times better, but most of the time the right picks goes a long way to a winning combination. I'm in no way a super support or mid but I have maybe 5 heroes in each position I'm really comfortable with, this offers variation and will choose according to what is needed and what opponents team composition is.

              I wish you luck man, hope all goes well and you climb that silly MMR ladder.


                I was calibrated 2.5k and got to 3k by spamming support Ancient Apparition and ganking my arse off as 5 with the team.

                I think in your MMR the most important thing is coming into a game not thinking "I AM going to WIN" but "What can I give my team the other team doesn't have?"

                Answer is usually better ward placement, dewarding, ganking.

                I fell in love with supporting - it was very fun. The game is meant to be different when you play as a roamer. In more ways that not, I think playing support is more active. You have more to DO.

                Less farm, more movement. Constant deward if you can, smoking, keeping an aye on the map, stacking, alerting allies. Give them advice, give them tips - not opinions, but suggestions. Make everything an open topic of conversation regarding item choice; movement; whether you should take rosh. Take your 3k dream to them, and people will respond. People as a species enjoy interacting and engaging with things (except true deadbeats.)

                Try to emulate the best parts of what you think 3k+ would be about, and take it to them. I'd have to say though, that you HAVE to keep calm, collected and try to not verbally criticise. I get pretty frustrated and I've said my fair share of terrible things to players - but it's very different to express one's dissapointment in the trench. I've had a doom who farmed a mek and heart in 25 minutes; decide to throw himself mid lane over and over again because I said "Bro I told you 5 were heading jungle"

                I wish you luck on your journey out of trench. It seems impossible. But it's very possible. Find a hero, invest time in finding out what you enjoy playing, and smash it.


                  Buy wards. Win.

                  Miku Plays

                    Pick your best hero everytime.


                      I am at the same level and my solo mmr rose about 500 in a week just because every game i picked a roaming support and ganked middle like crazy early game. The middle would end up about 0-3. At that level, nobody knows how to let mid recover from a bad lane so the game basically just snowballed from there. I would suggest learning earthshaker, lion, or venge. Even though they arent carries, youll learn that supports are probably the most fun of any hero and actually have the most game impact for the first 40 minutes. Just try to do everything to win. Buy smoke, be proactive on dust, buy observers deward like crazy if you know theyre warding (would you rather spend 150 gold on wards and avoid a devastating gank that costs your team a 6k gold advantage or lose a teamfight.). Even buy wards if youre a core. I know it sounds crazy but its totally worth it if it saves you from that fight that could throw the game. So overall, just learn to be the best support you can be and be willing to play support. At that level i would agree completely that a good support that uses all recources throughout the game is more effective than a pa with the average of a 20 minute HoD and treads.


                        I agree with most of the comments on this thread.

                        I should play the heroes I am good at.But the thing is, the set of heroes I know are very situational in nature.

                        Weaver : doesn't work against silences (but i think that it has become relatively safer due to the fall of DP.)

                        Invoker : I think that my Invoker is good for my level, it's just that every time I pick that fucker i am matched with an alchemist who thinks it is a good idea to go double gloves of speed rather than a pair of boots :/ . Also, there is a limit to what an invoker can do in a game, because when your towers are being 5 manned because of the limitations of the long cooldowns of his skills.

                        Morphling : He is a good hero, but again, he is not so good when playing with retarded monkeys as he needs a reliable team to back him up in case he loses his replicate illusion or something.

                        In short, all my heroes need a good team to back them up. but i think that that arguement is kinda valid for all heroes .-.

                        Этот комментарий был изменён

                          At that mmr you can pretty much climb with any hero that makes a decent impact on the game, if ur into supports, gank, harras & communicate misses, if you wanna carry, dont pick something thats only good at late but rather something that can stand his ground in lane and mid game (ie sniper), and if you're decent at mid well, stuff like storm and ta plain dominate people in that mmr.

                          Mortimer Smith

                            Trips to get out of 2k:

                            - Improve lasthitting, most of games on 2k are +50 min because any team is able to take towers down with their shit farm. Their average lasthitting is 55 lh for 20 min, so if u improve that to 120 you will have much more farm than enemy.

                            - In 2k mmr (and 3k), when you teamwipe the rival the players go back and farm, try to make your team push after that situations.

                            - Play heros that can make you win the games by yourself (that doesn't mean don't play support) u can pick heros like mirana, ebola spirit, undying, enigma who have a ''big impact'' on game. Heroes like troll, stormspirit, shadowfiend, etc

                            - U should carry a teleport scroll, its very fucking OverPowered

                            - Look at map, and dont get tired during the game: look map every 5-10 seconds (on 2k-3k the players are ''good'' at heros like boodcyka, pudga, night stalker... and things like that and they roam way 2 much ) so u can save you ass from these ganks just looking at the minimap; don't get tired means that when i'm on late stage of the game i usually get tired and stop looking map or paying attention to who is ganking me (be allways at your 110%)

                            - If you are mid, don't gank unless u know you can kill, AND DON'T GANK IF U DON'T HAVE BOOTS.

                            - If u get mad when people rage u, just ignore them all before game starts.

                            - Never trust your teammates, example: (you are Qop and your alie Sandking) You know that if you jump on a enemy and do your sonic wave+ sandking jump and stun him that will be a ez kill, BUT he will not do it (CUZ THEY ARE HEADLESS CHIKENS)

                            - Don't troll.



                              if u play in SE Asia. start playing in servers like europe east & west or dubai.. recently i was having stupid issues in SE Asia like late game intentional throw. by going out of base alone.. when enemy team pushing.. going alone in to push.. and many such stupid cases.. i started having 6 lose streak. i was in high skill that time. after 6 lose streak of such stupid teams.. went to normal skill.. then i tried dubai only.. and played somewhat like 7 games there.. won 6 lost 1 ... and no throw or noobs.. they actually know how to play and not throw. and most of all teamship and game sense...


                                I got calibrated at 2k and am now at 2924 solo, so I feel qualified to answer this question. I supported my way to about 2.6 very quickly (like I won 9 matches in a row or some shit) but due to the sudden rise of MMR (in the average brackets you'll be surprised how much of a difference it is) I peaked there for a while. I basically supported because I felt that I had too but I realized later I'm normally better at carry and made the jump from 2.6 to about 2.9. You can gain mmr with any role if you are good enough.

                                You look like carry playa so Imma give you tips for that.
                                1. GET MOAR LAST HITS. Seriously. This bracket/meta is very man- fighty and even an extra 200 gp item swings fights, no joke. If you get even a small amount of last hits more you can grow your farm exponentially, ie get midas at 6 mins instead at 8 mins.

                                2. Communicate with team but not too much. Say very simple things like 'ganking top' is very good and makes it work 100% better. Don't banter with mic tho. Saying shit like omg or something when your team just misses a kill or when someone steals a last hit (they don't know any better dw) just puts down morale. The less you talk, the more weight your words have.

                                3. Know when to fight/defend and know when not to. If they 5 man pushing your tier 1 and half your team is dead, don't bother tping and trying to defend. Its painful sometimes but just let it go. Keep farming other lanes or better yet trade tower. Don't waste time either trying to fight the enemy if you are ahead and you are not guaranteed to kill almost all of them. I've seen so many games get thrown because of this. Its 20 minutes in, you got 20 more kills and all the tier 2 towers of the enemy team. If you keep 5 maning together and don't manage to find anyone you are gonna loss your farm advantage. It will take them like 5-10 mins to catch up if you do this. And when they fight you on their terms you will feed so much gold of streaks and the game is lost.

                                4. Play early-mid cores, none of that Medusa or Anti-mage shit that requires good setup and defense. Trust me you won't get more than 10 minutes of farm. Jugg, Zeus etc allow you to gank, push towers much earlier and force an advantage if you play smart.

                                5. Don't waste time. Always be doing something useful, farm or get kills/objectives. If you hesitate on a bad gank and waste time walking the enemy will outfarm you.

                                6. Just outplay your opponents. Especially if mid. You can punish the enemy heavily if you harass them, deny a lot or just get more last hits. Most opponents will only be good at one of those and if you punish this you will win.

                                7. Play heroes you are comfortable with. Too many jugg players not knowing the item build and building aghs over phase and MoM.

                                Ez mmr

                                Dire Wolf

                                  Play easy heroes and l2farm. People under 3k especially have no clue how to farm. They'll get like 3 cs/min in their wins.

                                  I say play easy heroes cus you don't need to master like meepo and invoker at your level. why bother when you can pick troll, sniper, jug, pa, sven, wraith king, medsua and be just as effective?


                                    I calibrated at I think like 2100 or something , i immediately climbed to 2400 with ck and wk and stayed there for a month then shot up like 700 mmr very fast to 3100 with spectre silencer mostly but sadly I went on a crazy losing streak in December that dropped me to 2600 and I pretty much trenched there currently at 2815 but I think I am ready for a push to get back over 3k. My plan this time is to be better than I was at 3100 Cuz I think i am already a better Dota player so hopefully can stay. Recently my mini climb back up in mmr has been a way bigger effort to farm more and more efficiently at first when I started farming harder my gpm didn't raise too much due to me losing out on some team fights but now after a month concentrating on farming techniques my gpm is way up , my kda has not raised with the gpm but win rate is because I now can get good items without relying on hero kills and am therefore ready for the big game deciding fights with my gpm higher than it was . I really think finding something to focus to improve on one thing at a time will eventually add up to make us better players. On a side note when I jumped up like 700 mmr I not sure how much it's related but I played like 4 games in a row one night with a group of guys between 4k and 4.5k mmr then when I played at my mmr I started on that rape spree I am not sure how much those 4 games contributed Cuz they were just 4 games after all but it definatly helped.

                                    Этот комментарий был изменён

                                      Looking back at it I think I made 3100 mmr soley off good plays Cuz I farmed like shit I think the lack of good farming is what made me drop back down .


                                        thanks for your tips guys!

                                        and those saying that I should farm, Look at my last-hits in any game. I can get my farm alright, but my fellow team-members make it so that the other team gets gold regardless of them farming :c


                                          I started 3500 mmr and I went up to a maximum of 4750mmr so far. The best way to improve yourself is to be mentally ready. There are some basic things. Keep calm, you already know some of your teamates will suck. You have to know they will do mistakes and do what ever you need to compensate. Not only that, your ennemies are also imperfect. Thus, flaming has to end so you can truly get better. The biggest difference between lower mmr people and higher mmr is that they dont always know the farming windows/the pushing windows and when it's time to end the game. You need to work on judging how the game is going to take the best possible course of action to win the game. In the beginning of every game, look that the team composition and start to think when should the game end? If you can developpe that skill along with the skills of a leader, you'll improve significantly. Basicly knowing in advance if you should win by 20minutes, 30minutes or late game has a great impact on how the course of the game will go out and you should share your toughs with your allies. I would say that communication is a great aset in DotA 2 since it's a team game. Every bad player neglects that and just don't care. But, i myself, out of experience beleive that I enjoy the game better now that I've gained these assets and that I play in higher skill games when I play ranked.

                                          Basicly, become a team player and work on that. It will significantly incrrease your probability of winning.


                                            I see people mentionned that not every heroes can be played for mid-game. I have to desagree, if you make the right items and play with your team without farming all game, any hero can be useful from 18minutes ingame. That's usualy when the carry should finish his first big item (6.5k and over of farm). The balance between being with your team and farming has to be perfect to maximize the potential of your hero every game.


                                              Ya and sleep too , just lost 200 due to playing with 2 hours of sleep total between all the games :( .