General Discussion

General DiscussionMorphling way too stronk

Morphling way too stronk in General Discussion

    See title

    waku waku

      lol gj stomping noobs

        Этот комментарий удален модератором

          Wow dude congrats you good with hero, only with smurf tho

          casual gamer

            so is daedalus stacking pa I guess, 100% winrate in high skill over 1 games



              I like playing with my friends who aren't all as good at dota as you guys. Fuck me right?

              casual gamer

                so am I look at necro


                  2k brain mmr

                  plz do

                    lesson learnt. next time u post, be ready for the flame.


                      ppl like you are the worst in dota community. All the guys who smurf and stomp the poor noob like me are assholes


                        ^ u think that if u smurf u gonna get matched vs noobs and u just stomp them?

                        Answer: if u are BAD player u gonna be placed vs BAD players

                        back to ur bracket now

                        Этот комментарий был изменён

                          Morp not that stronk look at his winrate so poor haha


                            he i s insaenly strong at good lineup when played as stunner splitpusher

                            Mortimer Smith

                              Morph is really strong but i think there are counters who fuck him so hard (storm, riki, pa, skyrat...)


                                storm does nothing as u can just morph str and wave away tp after he uses his pull

                                skywrath does nothing as u can tp away while morphing str

                                plz do

                                  i wonder if pl is a decent counter w diffusal(mana burn+purge slow) in late game at least - however morphs replicate escape is annoyin, so you need some reliable disable, in case u wanna gank.

                                  Pom Pom 🍕

                                    Manaburn is nice against him, but PL with diffusal blade is also one of the best replicate targets.

                                    plz do

                                      so mb am?


                                        any mana drain or radiance carrier is perfect replicate


                                          His stun needs a nerf, not even a quesetion.


                                            best replicate targets are Axe (passive procs), WK and radiance carriers
                                            Basically every illusion that can farm creeps or provide auras is good
                                            And High Skill smurf is bad


                                              i agree with Xan... at least give more cooldown on this op shit

                                              Mortimer Smith

                                                @Duo mid expert, storm usually go to fast orchid, so sky and storm can easy kill u at early stage, after that the mana drain is the best solution Antimage and necronomicon are very good againist morph.
                                                But the best hero vs WaveBoy probably is Legion comander, you can win the duels before he does blademail and no matter if u are fast presing F to gain str she will kill u faster.

                                                So i think legion+necroumecon is the best shit againist.

                                                I think the hero needs a buff, mb the stun is imba (i didn't tryed or see that in my games), but the hero is sooo slow and die ez vs silence.


                                                  wat how the fuck does lc even kill 3k hp morph without being heavily overfed ?

                                                  waku waku

                                                    make him unable to activate morph when stunned, that shit is only annoying and useless
                                                    way too trash and situational hero he needs the final nail in the coffin

                                                    Этот комментарий был изменён
                                                    Mortimer Smith

                                                      @Duo mid, u are assuming morph is played with allways full str

                                                      casual gamer

                                                        all u have to do is hit morph str when she blinks in, it has 0 cast animation

                                                        Mortimer Smith

                                                          When u go full agi with skadi, eblade, powerthreads, aquila and linkensphere all u have is 1500hp, and she gets blademail much faster than u get all of this stuff...


                                                            ofc morph is always played full or atleast majority of the str

                                                            u pick morph for his broken stun this patch

                                                            even in late game u run him pretty much alot of str for long duration stun while having alot of lategame items

                                                            hs insanely good at splitpushing with his ulti n shit wave good wave"clear"

                                                            Этот комментарий был изменён
                                                            Mortimer Smith

                                                              ok... i play him at full agi, i got a insane dps with rightclicks and i can do with eblade like 950 dmg

                                                              Edit: much more than 950, im going to see my replay
                                                              With linkensphere manta eblade, and ultimate orb i killed a earthshaker 1500hp with eblade+W
                                                              Eblade was 700 dmg + adaptative strike 745dmg

                                                              Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                                He's a good hero. People just don't know how to play him.


                                                                  I agree insanely overpowered and you're abusing it...same with this shit jugg...
                                                                  See title


                                                                    Abusing it? Anyone else can pick him and they don't. I enjoy morphling why shouldn't I play him? You guys are just hateful for no reason.

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                                                                    Quick maffs

                                                                      My life sucks, i think its a pretty good reason to be hateful

                                                                      Mortimer Smith

                                                                        @Ember, how do u play morph i get a high KDA when i got supports, but i play it full agi instead of full str.
                                                                        I will see your replays.


                                                                          mostly full agi. I like to go linkin sphere into skadi then manta if they have silences eblade if they have squishy high priority heroes, butterfly with right click heroes and that's pretty much it.


                                                                            high skill smurf, i can die now