General Discussion

General DiscussionIs SF OP?

Is SF OP? in General Discussion
Sup m8

    Recently, whichever team has the SF wins in my bracket. He has the best farming in the game, good stat growth, with a euls he insta- kills a hero of his choosing, and he has really good nuke damage early game. I just feel like he is kinda broken right now. Thoughts?


      1. He has not the best farming in the game
      2. He is far away from broken, he is easy to counter and kill
      3. Not op at all


        he's strong atm, not op


          Antimage and Juggernoob win


            By watchin' your recent games Shadow Fiends at your game did just decent.

            Hero by itself isn't op at all, he's pretty much balanced perfectly.

            He has NO good strat growth at all. Low armor, low dmg, low hp. That's what SF has.

            The only good thing about him is: quite good manapool for agi carry and his souls/razes/nuke potential.

            He has no escape. He's too vunerable to smoke ganks. He's not even that strong atm I'd say, it's just people didn't used to play against him, so every decent SF got an edge here.

            Just gank him. Take mid tower, ASAP, so he'll be forced to farm woods or to steal farm from his safelane carry.

            He has his pros, but he has his very very cons.

            In good hands, sf is op, but it has to do with a player, not with a hero. Using hero at his full potential is OP, ofc.


              n o p e

                Этот комментарий удален модератором

                  Snipers only OP because of shrapnel in early game. Mid game hes squishy, get a blink and problem solved.

                  Troll? get good at kiting or get escaping heros.

                  Axe is fine, i havent seen him much thi week. Hes weak vs nukers/magic.


                    He is balanced but the pros are picking him too much, he will get nerfed :C


                      No need to nerf balanced hero.


                        He-He, sf picker :(
                        Sf is STRONG atm. His only weakness is early ganks which I find fair for a hero that is both a great mid laner and a late game carry.
                        He also has some hard matchups with the most OP mids of this patch such as lina and sniper but he can make up for both weaknesses through stacking and playing safe or just having helpful supports in team.


                          And why is he strong, pls?

                          Isn't every late game carry strong with big amouts of farm?


                            He has strong lategame AND strong laning, much like troll. Along with one of the best farming skills. Also has the option to go for an instakill build with euls. Very versatile hero.


                              Not enough arguments to tell he's op.

                              If we're going to talk like that, then:

                              Alch is op, greed.

                              TA is op, cuz reflection.

                              Antimage is op, cuz blink.

                              SF is balaced. Period.

                              Just gank him, you'll be fine. Ofc he'll wreck you with given enough farm/space.

                              Этот комментарий был изменён

                                He's not strong at all really. Its just that to kill him, the risks are too high unless you got smth like a lina that can burst him down instantly

                                Этот комментарий был изменён

                                  SF is balance cuz he doesn't have a Fourth rze V


                                    I think Shadow Fiend is at the point where he is balanced in the current meta. Doesn't have a boner raging win rate, but isn't a bad pick either.

                                    Этот комментарий был изменён

                                      @Shred you to bits
                                      I didn't say he is OP, I said he is STRONG, definitely above 80% of the hero pool.
                                      Also your reasoning is bad, I said 4 generic things that SF excells at to point out he is a very strong hero and you try to prove me wrong by listing some heroes and their spells :(


                                        well he is no.1 in LH/10 mins if that means something

                                          Этот комментарий был изменён
                                          Dire Wolf

                                            He's not op, people don't pick properly vs him or know how to gank mid. He's pretty good at winning mid cus of his high dmg and razes but he is squishy with zero escapes and his range is only 500, not like trying to gank sniper through huge range and shrapnel spam and headshots. Just send gankers and shut him down or pick heroes who can stun him later.


                                              His range is 550*.

                                              Deljaed, okay, we agreed.

                                              He is strong, but he's not op. :)


                                                He is a fast farmer with good solo kill potential (the eul's combo). But in teamfights, it can be hard for him to get his ult off without being interrupted.


                                                  No but troll is


                                                    Yes currently hate ducking troll and I refuse to play his cheap ass lol . Thinking about just countering his gayness with sniper every game I had decent success with slardar ambushes.