General Discussion

General DiscussionIs F.lux a thing?

Is F.lux a thing? in General Discussion

    Does it actually work or no?
    I searched google, but no legitimate answers from verified sources so just wanted to ask XD

    bum farto

      I have something similar on my phone and it works quite well. My assumption is that it simply pulls weather reports from ACCU or somewhere similar and adjusts it accordingly.

      It works good on my phone but I wouldn't really want something like that on my PC as that is what quick settings are for, to toggle through preset color temperatures to make your computer more aesthetically pleasing to look at as well as easier on the eyes.


        Yes it works. However, there are times where the screen gets an annoying dark color, where I use to turn it off something. And when I do so, I really get dry and it hurts my eyes.

        plz do

          it is very comfortable for the eyes imo. i always use it except if i want to watch movies on pc screen. It can be annoying if u play during sunset/sunrise and suddenly the gamma/color shifts - but thats easily kited. You find options for a slow change of colors.

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