General Discussion

General Discussiondota effect

dota effect in General Discussion

    I often see 2/3k people make topics how they can't climb in uncarriable tier and i tell it to myself that i could do it easilly. I already did that, as a matter of fact but i find it ironic that i am in same spot now myself; just in better mmr. I can't apply same to my tier like i would to 3k's and win 80% of games...

    I fell from 4.5 > 4.2 in past days slowly, yet steady. I can't carry people myself anymore, i despise this flamer wannabe bracket ...People said that sometimes you hit your skill ceiling. But i keep falling. Also despite my best tries i CAN'T trully believe i am as bad as every random pub-meat inside myself. I know i am lying myself or i am dunning kruger but i jus't can't. All my games in 4.7k+ tier/ 5k or 6k players were heaven compared to what i experience now...

    Maybe i got rusty. Maybe i play wrong now. Maybe i don't know what things i am bad at so i don't know where to improve.

    I see where my team sucks but i don't see what i do wrong.

    All i know i can make typical archetype of 4k's pubs :

    no matter what; drow/spirit breaker/axe/bloodseeker/sniper/lina/riki/juggernaut/slark will ALWAYS GET FED. like in noob days... EVEN if i warn people to play smart and care around these

    .offlaners usually die around 2-5 times in laning stage... yesterday had tide who died over and over to RUBICK DROW lane since lvl 1... how????
    just sap xp!

    junglers just jungle for 20min, never even gank the lane or tp to fights.

    supports are useless; can't trilane or zone out offlaner, pull to leave me 1v2 sometimes; let free pokes from ranged heroes in 1ranged+melee vs 2x ranged safe lanes, lose trilanes vs duo lanes, feed kills to aggro lanes like in spectre game, usually dont ward, never deward AND MANY MANY more things why they are same as 2-3k "supports". just buy ciourier and thats it.

    mids usually do *ok* to my shock.

    now teams often die a lot, dont take good fights or dont know how to deal with 5man AT ALL. Russian enemies ALWAYS 5man and often win, no matter if they were winning or losing... i think it common idea to splitpush or 5man ourselves vs 5man but the rotten heads WAY TOO OFTEN wander solo untils its too late.

    can someone please persuade why i am 100% same as those feeders or atleast what to change to leave this hell... it's too taxing on my feels/faith in people atm; communication is like in COD and i sometimes fake-rage myself on my team or enemies more like others to fill-in and NO ONE MINDS it... its the norm :O

    rage and get raged at.

    so i think it's not this holding me back. I try being good or bad mouthed; same results.

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        you even read what i wrote?


          4200-4500 is most toxic dota because too many fast give ups / afk people and massive flames random picks and no sense for laning stage. I recommend you mute all 9 players every single game and just pick Storm mid or troll safe lane and win game alone.

          the realm's delight

            ok i actually read it you're a lost cause bye

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            plz do

              i can apply the same to 3.2k-3.6k mmr. dunning kruger. trully.

              plz do

                also abbadon my lanes. fuckn abaddons.

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                  Well. 4.0-4.5 is the worst shit. Ppl think they are Dondo skills but still fuckin garbage level. Flamers etc. all the shit u mentioned.

                  u played ~20 games in 48hours. u should take a breath. Go play some other shit or just go out and stretch yourself. Fresh breath is really important in my opinion. 1-2 day break and bck to business.

                  (also dont forget, after a good streak always a bad one. dats how volvo wanna keep you on the same level. its my theory pls no flamerino)

                  (+ dont play on the weekends. all the freakin schoolboys playin. damn ~10 years old bastards everywhere)

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                    worst tier im in there too, everyone thinks he is pro level, gg caller after firstblood, and give up the game in the frist 2 minutes. you have to realize you are just another trash in this tier :D

                    MOA KIKUCHI ASTRALIS

                      " i despise this flamer wannabe bracket"
                      well ure actually one too so its ironic


                        imo all these ideas of "vlave keeping me on 50% winrate", trenches, worst mmr to play, etc. are more about magic than real life. MMR is just maths, it has no personal attitude towards any of you. Also, the trenches do exist only in your mind, people are more or less the same across all mmr levels, only skill changes (linearly).

                        Father Jack from Marketing

                          Everything you explained happens in my 3.1k games.

                          I read a very interesting thread in Reddit Dota2 recently which suggested a TF2 type score system. People would be more inclined to support if they could top a leaderboard with no kills.

                          OFC It wouldn't eliminate the most toxic community i have ever played in, but it would help.



                            tell people you suck at something but dont know where; they reply that i suck XD

                            @wasted peng

                            wow; you die a lot in your games

                            Этот комментарий был изменён
                            plz do

                     my second game in low 4k trench.
                              typical carry pa idiot style. called gg after like 00:01 min and then being carried by team. Like: "had like 4000 games and I know already the outcome of this one". He so frozen in his frustration that he watches a 4 sec BH without engaging from like a 600 range. complainin about supports, i dont give a fuck. in this trench is everything possible. if u can throw a game after 10 min u can also comback after 40 min. Stinkin idiots, this aint pro levels, where after three teamfights its gg, cuz they just dont make mistakes. everyone makes a ton of mistakes in 4k trench, including the enemy team ffs. so stfu, play and punish them for being cocky.

                              busco femboy pasivo

                                I stand with the PA on that game it wasn't worth the win. A lot of games aren't really worth fighting for 60 minutes to get a dirty win.

                                jus chillen

                                  idk about what 4k you talking, in my 4k (from like 4.4 to 4.8) people farm relatively well, can't say that a guys miss a shit ton of cs if he isnt an account buyer. supports always try to zone offlaner, kill him, and then rotate to mid or smth like that.
                                  they do pull, and they can use skills.
                                  BUT, if you come off like a fucking retard from minute 1, like "PICK THIS PICK ThAt, omg fucking noob" everyone will play "around" you, and you will think that they are bad.
                                  get good yourself, and you wont care about teammates AT ALL, because even if you lose, you know what mistakes you did, and wont just go around blaming cm who cant have an impact.

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                                  plz do

                                    Im obviously not on that level, Havoc, this PA wasn't either and neither is FML. It was worth for me, because I want to gain +mmr ofc in order to play with better players, learn from them and have pretty stats. If PA only wants to win clean, he shouldnt be playing dirty pubs and complain. But thats ofc a dirty low life's opinion trying to encounter someone, who talks from above.


                                      @hush hush

                                      that is one game. Dont judge book by the cover... -_-

                                      also; if "i am not on that level" when ot comes from fresh 4000player, can you care to explain why i belo g in 2-3k mmr then?

                                      Nah, I'd win

                                        Bitch please, I came from 700 MMR. I experienced the worst. Once there was a professional feeder, he infest with Lifestealer an abonded hero and started dual feeding and ooh please don't remeber me on this courier train ( >20 courier) that went straight mid into the enemy fountain.


                                          find 1 hero that u enjoy playing alot

                                          and spam the shit out of it until u master it people climbed mmr playing kotl

                                          ppl climbed playing enigma , oracle , slark , ebola , sf , qop , storm , sniper and many others

                                          just find hero that suits ur playstyle and can make shit work ingame and ur set

                                          plz do

                                            misunderstanding. Im sure we both belong in 4k mmr and you are probably better than me. I was referring to havoc entirely, because he sided w PA in that one game referring to that picks were shit and on top of that he would've not played that round. I guess.

                                            ofc its a one game example. Its my first impression of 4k mmr trench (solo). just watch the replay - its a horrible round ;)


                                              >4200-4500 is most toxic dota because too many fast give ups / afk people and massive flames random picks and no sense for laning stage. I recommend you mute all 9 players every single game and just pick Storm mid or troll safe lane and win game alone."

                                              do you realize that this bracket is toxic because of people like you who think they can "win alone"?



                                                "not on that level, Havoc, this PA
                                                wasn't either and neither is FML. "



                                                  "not on that level, Havoc, this PA
                                                  wasn't either and neither is FML. "

                                                  plz do

                                                    "Im obviously not on that level, Havoc, this PA wasn't either and neither is FML." ... to understand that the game isnt worthwhile playing because of picks.


                                                      no1 cares

                                                      same guy sh*tposting each day

                                                      different acc name

                                                      Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                        play more abaddon



                                                          so when we are doing 1v1?

                                                          Also, who cares it's discussion. I can post as many as i want; and i tet have to receive a related answer for my question...


                                                            Good game Yes you can win alone there. I m 5200 btw I m not in that bracket


                                                              to have *increased* chances of winning MOSTLY by yourself; one needs to have <500-1000> mmr more than current mmr and even then some games are hard to next impossible to win; also we are humans and make mistakes or bad days; sometimes that also can lead to loss.

                                                              i wonder; what does 3000 people have to do to win in 3000 game? :D

                                                              how they are supposed to climb?


                                                                By not playing same as others 3000 because thats 50% in a long run they need to play at least 3500 to climb to 3300 in some time


                                                                  I think its quite easy to climb from 3k even if player is 3k by himself. All he need to do is to LEARN LEARN LEARN this game is so huge and 3000 player don`t even know to use spells properly and to buy items on heroes already after that he is ez 4000.


                                                                    But some people are maybe just to slow in fights and in decision making that they can`t do all that shit in hard games and in 5v5 fights. But mostly I think everyone can learn if he tryhard.


                                                                      ok; now apply same to 4k, 5k, 6k mmr.

                                                                      its increasingly harder to become better at all the nuances since basucs are known at 3k's...

                                                                      why 5-6k's dont have 80-90% winrate when every 2nd game is with 4500 people for them? 1) enemies also have same mmr dude 2) if 5-6k's makes mistakes even 4 .5 k players will punish him and capitalise on them

                                                                      even if i will climb back over time it will be slow at best...

                                                                      plz do

                                                                        I'm sure u will climb back over time. good luck.


                                                                          typical 4k's dota game (lose-lose-lose) :

                                                                          2x shitstack from turkey decided to HALAL stack in mid, lina picked mid and asked first, SF went ass mode and dual mid last pick *facepalm*

                                                                          anyways; omni 3800 from HALAL stack stack decided that i suck and i had to solo lane vs sky+bara and have no farm

                                                                          then lina started feeding/afk until I SHOWN THAT WE CAN TRY, others followed

                                                                          love unwinnable feeder games. LIKE TYPICAL I WANRNED PLAY CARE AROUND BARA/SLARK

                                                                          Этот комментарий был изменён
                                                                          Nah, I'd win

                                                                            Your team is full of red heroes and the enemy team is blue, blue > red


                                                                              nice. Explains why i lost 400mmr ^_^

                                                                              Nah, I'd win

                                                                                You also asked for Magic
                                                                                but you got Magic (Lina) in your team, lucky guy ;)


                                                                                  still; omni wins irony award of 2016 XD


                                                                                    can anyone explain why i often get these kids, dual mids, acc buyers and feeders? Why i often have best or second best gpm/xpm/kda yet i fail to win?

                                                                                    what am i doing wrong? What to change?

                                                                                    Heard its best to learn from people +1k mmr above you; not pro players...

                                                                                    anyone know dotabuffs of good 5.5-5.8k mmr carry players?

                                                                                    jus chillen

                                                                                      i am good kery pleer, i tell you dont tilt like me and dont rage and dont play 300 games a day and you will see results in your climb!

                                                                                      Nah, I'd win

                                                                                        2.5k MMR here, you need to change the region + you need some kind of luck, beside of this one thing you can't do nothing.
                                                                                        140 ping regions aren't lagging for me, i can play on US east, EU west + east and Russia without lags.


                                                                                          you saying to play in russian server?

                                                                                          Nah, I'd win

                                                                                            it's a option, no risk no fun


                                                                                              oh my god... after asking few crappuccino supports why they nuke ny farm and do other dumb shot like refuse to lane with me vs dumb offlaners or why they pick melee supports as main/only supports like ogre, omni, sand and such they all keep uttering "siractionslaks""... so i listened to his 3700mmr wisdom. Turns out he really tells people to IGNORE early/midgame, be greedy and "dont let pick supports for others" aka no TRILANES where everyone spams snowballers and games end at 30min marks... to take farm, "let idiots die" and such. So much wroooong stuff.

                                                                                              How can i convince some 4k's apes that crawled from 2k mmr to change their gamestyle a bit??? I think that could help as i see many useless ogre and omni picks...

                                                                                              jus chillen

                                                                                                i tell them this: "guys, pls pick support i carry you easy, go trilane free 25 mmr"
                                                                                                if they do it this is the outcome in 90% of games, might lose if mid dies 30 times or smth like that tho.
                                                                                                some people should know that if you ensure safelane freefarm, that actualy inreases your chances of winning more than killing the enemy carry.

                                                                                                Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                                                                  Will try that; thanks.

                                                                                                  good thing atleast someone speaks or understands ape language XD

                                                                                                  anyways; what about other stuff? 5.5-6k mmr carries?


                                                                                                      my acc at 3.1ks solommr really shits and my luck is really bad on tat acc full of 'supports' trying to lasthits and carry autohitting creeps dunno farm and they always call mid go 'ganks' when they fail lane and blame mid if fail 'ganks' and 0 map awareness and call for 'fast end' when we are leading and throw most of the time pushing the highground without planning. this acc is my new acc and i am trying to calibrate again my solommr. my friend with solommr stuck at 2.8k-3k can get 3.5ks solommr by js create new acc and calibrate again so i think ply a new acc is a good try to upmmr if you feel you are not at the bracket and your luck is so shits that you meet shits teammates


                                                                                                        i got another 4.5k (pretty much max calibration mmr) smurf... but i know that even 4.5k is shit tier; just little better rhan what i am currently in. It doesnt look that its always all me who THROWS and feeds to lose games. I just want to win by normals means and climb.

                                                                                                        Tbh honest i dont care about my mmr nor skill that i am happy with; i had shown my ability to carry or beat people as high as +3k mmr.

                                                                                                        I just want to win, mmr will come eventually...