General Discussion

General DiscussionAlchemist

Alchemist in General Discussion
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    Is he still worth to pick at 2.5k MMR? What build would you suggest for him?

    Giff me Wingman

      no he is not.


        No,takes to much time to come online, and i doubt at 2,5k they will give you enough space


          I would disagree and say "yes", alchemist can stomp <4k games quite easily, if u know how to farm in the most efficient way. Pt, sb (optional), mjollnir, bkb, skull basher, ac. Dont fastpick him, its too difficult for you to deal with certain heroes.


            you can pick anything and still win at 2.5k mmr.


              Not really, Id say on that mmr level certain heroes are much weaker than in some VHS games, f.e. oracle, Io, eartspirit, chen and phoenix.


                support alch so good kreygasm


                  worst hero in game minus dk


                    Like Marlan says, good players can win with anything at 2.5k. But Alchemist is probably not the best choice. If you want to stomp 2.5k bracket, I'd go with Slark, TA, Juggernaut, Troll, Ursa, or possibly Sniper.


                      soulring shadowblade mjolnir

                      heart ac abyssal


                        ^Duo Mid Expert
                        i think HoT sucks in general in current patch, and also why not to get basher b4 ac, and upgrade it to abyssal later?


                          cuz u already got concoction setup with shadowblade for killing potential other than that u should just afk farm on alchemist cuz he farms faster than any hero in the game cuz of greevils greed and then utilize ur farm to win game asap


                            well ac gonna give him attack speed that makes him farm faster, but his attack speed is alrdy hugh enough by this point, so marginal utility of smthng giving dmg should be greater.
                            and imo once u get sb/mjoll, its time to add enemy heroes to the list of thing you farm, cz most probably at this point you outfarm everyone on the map.

                            "TheKid belowMeIs an ass"...

                              Depends how fast you can get midas and afk farm. Basically you have to hope the other team doesnt have a lot of good gankers, early game heroes or better late game heroes. also hope your team avoids team fights till you come online. So basically dont pick him


                                "how fast you can get midas"
                                i would say you shouldnt get midas at all

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                                  And what about the skill build? I guess maxing Unstable Concoction first when going for Shadow Blade but otherwise what to skill?


                                    depends on lane

                                    if u can get every lasthit in lane without being raped in it focus on greevils greed

                                    if u can't farm then go for acid and try to stack jungle and utilize stakcs with spray and minus amor followed up with few lvls in stun to use them for potential ganks or counterganks

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                                      And what about some crazy new meta builds like Blink + MoM in the early game? Would this be borderline retarded?


                                        mom with his armor and stat = 3 hit killed by crystal maiden


                                          Not the easiest hero to main but I think he is viable in pubs. I am maining him and my win rate is 48% which is roughly 10 percent more than the average. Reasons for him being viable (at my MMR) are that (a) he as a stun (b) he is less dependent on other heroes, hence better for ranked solo (c) money is not an issue if you end up playing with selfish pubs that refuse to buy any wards or couriers (d) can progress to a late carry if your carry sucks which is 70% of the cases in my experience (e) Has good tower push ability which is an ability not often considered in pubs.
                                          I think given the right condition he will do well across all skill levels.
