General Discussion

General DiscussionHow do you motivate and demotivate your team?

How do you motivate and demotivate your team? in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    We all know doto is a team game, team play is essential. So how do you usually motivate and sometimes demotivate your team? cite examples please

    the realm's delight

      i motive my team when i dont talk
      i demotive them when i talk

      because whenever i do, its mostly flaming

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        with a few words i motivate team when i unplug headset's microphone


          I Call everyone trashes frags autists and retards

          then i tell them to shut the fuck up and listen to me while i tell them what to do via voice chat

          works all the time 55% of the time


            55,09 ^

            plz do

              Duo Mid Expert. I actually lol'd. Happens like only once a month on the internet.

              Im telling them to focus and not to throw and then i start intiating as melee sniper getting solo black holed, so my teammates have space and get the kills and are happy.


                Generally trying to stop them from flaming, saying they're doing good if we win a teamfight, push a tower etc., telling people to not give up and trying to make a plan and tell them about it, that gives hope to people (and to myself too heh)

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                  i say pick axe/sniper gg
                  but sometimes they dont so we lose

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                        @ FyyQ

                        55.11 nao


                          when i get in their team and they didnt pull plug in time in the load screen


                            if u start griefing your team usually gets motivated really hard to win despite this shitty griefer
                            try it out


                              Motivate - I say that we can still win, or, when someone makes a mistake, which caused me dead or teamfight lost I say:"happens man, now stay focused".

                              Demotivate - when somebody keeps to fuck up one fight after another I usually ask him to delete Dota ((.

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                                  @Duo MId Expert

                                  55,13 you liar


                                    usually after i pick doom and die mid to lina 7 times, my team becomes very motivated and we win.


                                      XAXASXASXA ^

                                      THICC BABY SHUM

                                        how does dim die to lina ever, lina cant hit doom with fire


                                          Whenever someone on my team gets a kill, I say "Well played."

                                          Whenever someone on enemy team makes a mistake, i point it out in all chat and make fun of them.

                                          Even if someone on my team is feeding, I never flame them. There have been games where I've fed before. In fact, I don't know a single person who hasn't fed at least once.


                                            not lina fire, just barathrum broke my spirit in mid every 12 seconds.
                                            in dotabuff+ it literally shows that lina and bara were dual mid lmao



                                              ANYONE TALKED ABOUT FEED???

                                              ITS MEGAPENIS TIME <3

                                              Greygrey the Sailor

                                                how to motiviate easy:Quit the game


                                                  omg dis game wtf lmao


                                                    tmrw i will invite megapenis my beloved doto student so we lose all games 100%


                                                        ^ omg i actualy remember that game! i told megapenis to only ulty and farm so he wont die x231 :)

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