General Discussion

General Discussionlist of things to improve in dota...

list of things to improve in dota... in General Discussion

    I don't want to say i am giving up on 4k's tier but i had to change my destop AND steam avatar to kamina from gurren lagan to always remind myself of fightning spirit and never giving up... when i would look at my avatar i would remind myself to push myself harder and ''forget'' idiots or feeders on team.

    But it's hard and *better* attitude/communication towards apes doesn't net immediate results. I don't want this to be another ''how to climb X mmr tier?'' topic.

    In order to climb, you must become better player; no shortcuts. Unless you luck out or play OP heroes that tend to be your faves few patches before, so you can avoid learning curve and instantly get some fast mmr while people havent learned to counter /play them. But these are only temporary.

    IMO to climb you must be atleast ~500-300mmr bigger than what you are currently sitting in; aka 4500 player wont climb at all in 4400 tier or someone who is slowly improving during games. Real 4750 player will climb ~100-200mmr or so but if he wont improve during those games; he will also stop climbing soon. I will also probably will just try to improve as much as i can because i have problems with the way current/recent games go.

    While i was boosting 3 to 4k mmr i knew exactly WHEN and WHY to join fights and when to farm. I was greedy, i could flame my team and still win; often alone and from ~30-40kill deficit from teams. Good thing i NEVER listened to any of their idiotic advices. I knew what to do myself.

    Now everyone in my mmr has their ideas, i don't want to agree with them sometimes but sheep effect on team happens. I see many throws yet i am not happy with my teammates skill so far. I want to feel like everyone is skilled as much as i am; now it's just russian roulette which team has more idiots that happen to feed someone. There are ~1-2 ok players/team but rest are total ape-poo in head.

    Same applies to pro players; as i see most of them are ragers but they can compensate for lack of communication with their personal skill.

    I want to know on WHAT to improve; what nets biggest results, where to invest free time to have efficient personal skill improving. I don't think anyone will spare their time to find my personal shortcomings; so let's all just list everything that might help. From a to z.

    I will update this topic when necessary...

    ABSOLUTELLY NEEDED TO EVEN PLAY AT 3K MMR+ or so; aka basic dota:

    basic game sense, basic last hitting skill, basic farming ability, basic map awareness, +- knowing what every skill does , channeled spells, knowing what items do, basic item builds, farm priority, knowing your role and knowing basics of every role, ability to end game with advantage aka not dragging game


    knowing when you can go lategame/when to end early, hero counters, who can outcarry who (dragon knight not going lategame vs medusa/spectre and such), good team composition, ability to play any role at basic level, being good at skillshots, playing with everyone muted until you become self-sufficient player (missing heroes, ganks, map awareness, no time wasted on typing), good communication with team, being calm & strong morale, flaming specific players on enemy team to cause internal havoc, leadership, being good drafter in -cm, knowing estimate cooldown on important skills (blackhole/ravage and etc.) , not dying much, juking, ability to trade efficiently while coming out on top. Always blame yourself for a loss - only you are one to blame, no matter if you had leavers or 0-20 people (i did not said call yourself bad - self-whipping can also lead to bad stuff). Knowing what to focus in fights aka MAIN priority targets (best damage dealers/initiators/carries/farmed GODLIKE people and so on). Knowing best heroes to lane with if you are duo/tril laning.


    knowing EVERY mechanic and skill interaction; their damage (execptions and yada-yada), knowing +- cooldown of every skill and mana cost while checking enemy mana to calculate if he can't combo his skills, efficient items, changing items in your build on the go if needed (best item build for situation), good team composition while countering enemy team, knowing and anticipating rotations, macro and micro skills, ability to play any hero at basic level, mastering ~3-5 or more heroes/role; must know everything about your main role and favourite heroes, anticipating (smoke)ganks/rosh/enemy location/lanes/strategy, knowing if trading will come out to your favour WHILE looking while even, ability to contribute to team with low hp (super needed on supports), pushing every advantage you receive, playing as greedy as possible WHILE not dying much/at all, perfect chainstunning, good last-hitting and lane controll mechanics, good map awareness, good farming patterns and ability for team to use all resources, being cool no matter what - be it after lost fight/gank/game/lane/anything, instantly recognising best players on enemy team to focus them more (applies more or less on higher mmr where good+bads are being mixed), knowing when to join a fight or not, knowing when to back up, carrying tps, being good at ksing (needed on some heroes), ability to constantly farm items on required timings no matter situation, picking required heroes for the team


    Knowing when to abbandon lane, how much you can farm grab before swapping position, most efficient farm vs time wasted (aka not join a tower push/rosh if it's 100% about to fall while you can farm lane creeps that are being atacked by your tower and such - maximising farm), how early you can join fights and end game, lane freezing


    WARDING, dewarding, GOOD HARASSING abusing vision (like from trees) and NOT dragging creeps to push lane/tank dmg; ability to pull creeps when needed to maintain equilibrium, stacking multiple camps at once, ALWAYS doing something instead of standing idle for most of the time, ability to zone out weak offlaners/ heroes who doesn't have numbers advantage (if trilane)


    knowing when to gank and when to farm, good understanding of 500range circle around creep and being good at calculating creep aggro cd for no-aggro pokes, or for creep dragging to have good lane positoning, perfect creep blocking, ability to secure (gankers)/deny (like invoker with spirits) runes, changing gamestyle vs other mid role if needed (aka farmer vs farmer isnt same as ganker vs farmer gameplay in mid)


    Knowing when you can kill (isolated- when pulling or stacking, going for a rune/weak as in low hp/low level) supports or carry with your level advantage, being able to squeeze as much farm as you can vs trilanes/duolanes, good calculating when you can survive harassments or ganks and when to farm and backup, basic map awareness and warding for safety purposes to avoid dying
    ; good knowing of 1200range for XP leeching


    ability to finish items on required timings and securing runes if needed?; knowing when and if you can gank mid/offlaner

    SMALL EXTRAS : watching top plays videos, pro streams and pro leagues/internationals, analysing your own replays for mistakes, playing 1v1 mode, reading guides/forums, playing with better players, cheering your team (when internal fights happen/when someone does something good ''good boy! nice skillshot!'' ''wow what a play'' AND pretending to be serious; non-sarcastic), listening to music that helps *CAN BE BAD THING FOR SOME MUSIC/some people*

    any other tips/things needed i had missed out will help. If anyone wants to; can say things i need to improve most.

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    Raw Dawgin Ur Girl

      Chill, go out and enjoy real life with friends. You sound so engrossed in the game that it might be affecting your actual life. It's just a game. Improve if you want to improve, but you gotta chill out :))

      "I want to feel like everyone is skilled as much as I am" - This is your problem right here. Not pointing out a grammatical error btw.

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        sorry; dont know that feel...
        had fun once now i am from high 4k's to low 4k's. Need to improve harder than before before i get atrophied (heck; might be too late now lol) and also to make up for my ''fun'' times

        i play more and more stalker as of late; i also tend to play less dota than before (before was also pretty low compared to most people in number of matches; nowadays most of the time its AFK idling main menu while i do something else)

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        Raw Dawgin Ur Girl

          Stop being so anal about a number. Lol. Play with friends, enjoy the game. I play mostly with friends because it's easier to select "hero roles" and because I hate pubs. Too many toxic people.


            nice gif



              it's not the number. It's the goals. Need to get 5k's so maybe some people will start showing little respect towards me or what i say; i know there are many 5k bads... But somehow it's magical number. I spent lots of time into this game and i need to show some results if i try to compete.

              For personal skill; i am always happy with myself as i know that i try to improve or i improve/ get back on good skill and many people i know say i am decent or atleast have potential. Sometimes people add me post-games...But becoming better never hurts.

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                you never saw that gif?


                  ye, and its cool


                    I think the biggest problem when it comes to ranked is number of games played at each tier-mmr.

                    What I mean by this is: I'm 3400-3500 MMR player, let's say, but I archived 3992 MMR on my main.

                    So now, I can just sit there and "call" my self a sub 4k player, or I can play more ranked and see if I'm goin' to be good enough for that 4k rating or not.

                    Most of the people cry about their team-mates, while they are not fully aware of thing I said: number of games you played at some MMR is your TRUE mmr. Not your highest archived MMR.

                    For example, I might be able to grind my mmr to 4000-4100 with some big effort and luck, but if I stop playin' ranked after it, that won't make me 4k player, right?

                    If I have 4000 MMR and 70% of my games are in high-skill bracket , its kinda clear that you're mid 3k player, and not 4k player.

                    Player that's having around 400 games in total should be aware of thing such: play more, and adapt to your real MMR.

                    By the time you hit close to 50% winrate, you'll know how good/bad you are. From that, try to climb again and actuallly get better..


                      One more thing:

                      There are only few legit 6k players like: Justice, Matrice, Wagamama, Dendi and a lot of more pro-players.

                      And why I think that? Because players like them have A LOT of Ranked games in their or close to their skill-level-mmr-tier so it's kinda clear to me that they will ether improve or stay there or close to that rating.

                      And there's also a players like : Defilish and such, that was around mid 5k, and by hard work and dedication he's 7k now.

                      Because he improved and his Meppo is probably on whole another level compared to some 5k meppo, because he's carryin 5k like every sec. match I'd say.

                      Wagamama is 7k also now, aswell. But I'd say every legit 6.5k+ player should be able to hit 7k at sometime since it all comes down to how hard you want to try and want that 7k..

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                        playing until i go from 56.40 to 50% winrate doesnt feel like good idea when you can try improving during that time to maintain and maybe improve winrate.

                        Same applies for mmr; improve everytime you can! Doesn't even matter if you have 1 or 3k ranked games in some mmr,,,

                        Therefore i don't agree with you at all.


                          You maybe didn't understand what I want to say.

                          I didn't say you'll go 50% because you want, but because you will play and try-out your best.

                          So if you're good enough, you'll carry those games that seems like impossible to win in my opinion.

                          Example: there's a reason why I can't carry 3.5k games with 95% of winrate and I can do that while I smurf on other friends accounts at 2.6-3k range.

                          Seems like MMR is pretty fair to me. While I perform good and get out of control at 2k-sub3k MMR, I can't have such impact in my tier.

                          So it must be me. I do understand you, yes. There is a lot of feeders and such, people that doesnt give a fuck and so on, but at the end of the day, if you're better then they are - you will carry them.

                          If you're close to their rating or about the same - you might lose that game, but WIn another one.. That's all about forced 50%, because if you belogn at 5k, you can't get 6k if you expect you'll get 80% of the time GOOD team-mates.

                          In order to climb MMR, you NEED to carry that KIND of players..



                          Carried the shit out of pudge-bristle with my SF. And please, don't say OFC YOU DID ITS 3.5k.

                          YEs it is 3.5k, but keep in mind I never said I'm 5k player, so 3.5k might be actually a challange for me.

                          I'm happy how I did that game because even that they feeded and wanted to lose, I didn't give up.

                          It means I improved at some stuff at least.


                            weird... expected this to be another shitstorm or atleast "you know nothin, jon-sno" topic where masterrace lists many things this noob missed...

                            or atleast someone trying to bite me while contributing to topic XD

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                            MOA KIKUCHI ASTRALIS

                              cuz no one read



                                impressive; i got some games to share also with INSANE feeders.. but i will just share this one..


                                jakiro flamed me; "4k's tier nooblord" while playing with his stack... guy claimed to be 6k mmr, i didnt believed him. His 5k mmr friends FED and left;, leaving it 3v5 game.

                                idk how i did it vs fed AXE, STORM and ursa jugg lineup but i carried game 3v5 ...

                                i added jakiro. Turns out he really was 5.8k mmr. Means enemy storm was also same mmr. Jakito unadded me instantly after game despite challengibg me for 1v1 XD

                                after that game he changed his nick into "4k mmr=subhumans", despite just getting his big ego and big mess made by his friends cleaned up by me. I carried 6k's vs 6k's XD

                                good game!

                                on our way.

                                  Row row fight the power.


                                    maximum bumpus¿