General Discussion

General Discussionis there any fat dota player

is there any fat dota player in General Discussion

    exept bulldog ?
    i wanna know how much energy (calories) dota actually use for pro players (or ppl who use their brain )

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      i know atleast 2 chubby lithuanian doto players from lans i participated other than that rest are skinny or normal body type

      seems like stereotypes of far basement dwelling gamers arent really that real

      and for pros chuan is fatest one i guess


        U kidding me? Chuan, ofc


          He's the real icon of the game, not this Dendi/RTZ/s4 trash


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                King of Low Prio

                  I dont understand why some gamers try and single out fat people when they are usually on the other polar opposite of the spectrum looking like a skeleton



                    Also why would someone care if someones a bit shibby like Bulldog. It's not like he's disgustingly fat.
                    He also has a very attractive personality.


                    THING IS; Why the **** sort people wether they are 40kgs or 105kgs and relatively tall.

                    Like, they don't fucking affect you, and being slightly overweighted/overweighted doesn't change them in a negative way for you.

                    EDIT2: I would rather be around a confident bulldog, than a 45kg tall boy.

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                    bum farto

                      No one is fatter than DD! /thread


                        ADD ME ON SNAPCHAT AND WE CAN SO YO DUDD :cool:


                          @C9 DD: the believerboy
                          But.... trolling fat people...


                            remember fatson


                              i think one tryhard dota = same as 30min workout or more

                              Low Expectations

                                I can give it a shot and say why fat people are overall badly percieved.
                                Fat people -> Overall less healthy become sickly faster -> med. treatment which the rest of the society has to pay for
                                Basically fat people cost the society aka you


                                  Not the most profound and explicit sociopsycological analysis I saw in my life.

                                  King of Low Prio

                                    skeleton people are just as likely to become sickly as fat people. It is just people perceive the skeletons as victims of cruel fate vs fat people who did it to themselves


                                      i mean you can't be poor and fat at the same time, so if you are overweight, think about that. (macdonaldsons :))

                                      King of Low Prio

                                        yes you can be poor and fat, healthy options are usually much more expensive than unhealthy ones. A bottle of pop costs less than a bottle of water


                                          never seen a 300lbs homeless dude, you get my point?


                                            in certain parts of mexico, the poor are often the most overweight because only fast food is available for low prices

                                            Dire Wolf

                                              I think it's cus the poor are usually in rough urban environments and no one wants to open a trader joe's or kroger in those neighborhoods. It's not really that healthy food costs more, it does if you buy fancy suburbanite crap like red bell peppers and organically grown kumquats, but banana's, apples, fruits in season etc are all pretty cheap. You can get a pack of 6 romaine hearts for like $3 at costco. That will make at least 6 meal portion size salads. And don't forget canned vegetables. Other than the sodium (which is fine depending on rest of your diet/health) they are good for you and a can of green beans can be had for like 50 cents on sale. Beans and rice are dirt cheap. Where people get off saying ohhh healthy food is so expensive! Is cus they want to eat stuff that's not in season like imported raspberries and they buy the retarded prepackage boneless, skinless chicken breast. For example the store brand chicken breast at my local store that they cut up themselves in the back is normal price about $4 a pound but it goes on sale for as little as $2 all the time. Normally I probably pay $3. They have what looks identical in this nicely vacuum sealed packs call "GetFit" healthy lifestyle chicken that costs $7 a pound. It's the exact same but one is prepacked and sold under some fancy brand.

                                              I live in detroit area and there are zero grocery stores in the city of detroit itself. But there are mcdonalds.

                                              MOA KIKUCHI ASTRALIS


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                                                King of Low Prio

                                                  homeless people have to be alot more mobile due to their living environment. There are some homeless people who have a higher income than some people with homes. I am a sociology major(4th year) and have done research on homelessness in Toronto


                                                    this thread went strange


                                                      lol homeless people in murica make more money tha ppl with homes? cool


                                                        does it look like i live in toronto, or any part of canada?
                                                        and did it look like i was talking about some place i have never been to?
                                                        or my english is too low level?

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                                                          lol skeleton people

                                                          thats called fucking diseases bolivia anorexia and other shit

                                                          people don't become skeletons on their own

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                                                            i was talking about people who fucking starve, in NOT the best city in the world according to the economist, which is like at least the bigger part of the world

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                                                            King of Low Prio


                                                              I would assume most people understand the world outside of their little bubble but I guess I assume to much of some people

                                                              King of Low Prio

                                                                yes if you starve you will lose fat.

                                                                'you can't be poor and fat at the same time'

                                                                My point I stated was that being extremely skinning and being extremely fat are both unhealthy but since alot of gamers are on the extreme end of skinny they try and ostracize the fatter ones.


                                                                  ok i just facepalmed.
                                                                  not really, but have you been to europe? to balkan countries? to russia? china? india?
                                                                  and you still are trying to tell me that you have to pay more for food to be skinny?
                                                                  and that homeless people have more income, wtf you smoking dude?????

                                                                  Greygrey the Sailor

                                                                    me ;-;

                                                                    THICC BABY SHUM

                                                                      who cares fat or skinny?
                                                                      y u want this fat dota player?

                                                                      King of Low Prio


                                                                        I was using the term skeleton people jokingly when I mean the people who are like 120lbs and 6feet tall. Obviously they are not anorexic but they are pretty damn close.....


                                                                          guys i want to see fat putin


                                                                            nvm could only find fat obama

                                                                            King of Low Prio

                                                                              'There are some homeless people who have a higher income than some people with homes'

                                                                              I don't understand why people who do not seem to understand English get some upset so fast. You just look like a moron when you flip out on a obvious grammar point that you missed.

                                                                              Also I said you have to pay more to be healthy. You also seem to equate starving in Africa with being poor which is a highly misleading since poverty is determined by environment.

                                                                              THICC BABY SHUM

                                                                                not Putin but basically same mind




                                                                                    so i translated

                                                                                    6 feet and 120 lbs to normal human being measures

                                                                                    and thats indeed underweight realyl close to anorexic mostly girls has this

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                                                                                      Porn Director
                                                                                      im too lazy to do this stuff, post ur results in human units of measure plz

                                                                                      King of Low Prio

                                                                                        ooo my lord, just realized I was trying to have a discussion with a russian. No wonder I felt like I was talking to a autistic 6 year old. My bad


                                                                                          i think vaikiss is not russian, neither am i.
                                                                                          so you look like the autistic one here buddy.
                                                                                          and whats wrong with being russian?
                                                                                          its shouldn't be any better/worse than being black you know?


                                                                                            well, afair US is actually one-and-only country that uses feet instead of meters; pounds are less rare unit of measure and they are used in some other countries, too, but still kg is much more common.

                                                                                            and the world doesnt include US and Russia only.

                                                                                            Этот комментарий был изменён

                                                                                              lets get real imperial system is retarded so is people who uses it

                                                                                              King of Low Prio

                                                                                                Russian = normal
                                                                                                Gaming + Russian = insanity

                                                                                                also you should really look up what autism is because you are using it dota 2 reference rather than its actual definition.


                                                                                                  Je profite de ton topic, j'ai appris que tu étais plutôt bon, si tu aimes les un contre un, ou les un contre un en wtf, hésite pas à m'add

                                                                                                  Else, socks was fat at some point

                                                                                                  King of Low Prio

                                                                                                    Canada uses both because of the close proximity to the US


                                                                                                      ^^este tío si que tiene razón, el tópico es bien diferente a lo que todos vosotros estaís discutiendo

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