General Discussion

General DiscussionOne more game boys

One more game boys in General Discussion
bum farto

    If you are fluctuating to fast then you should wait till a jump then give solo a break and have some fun till you hit your stride again then go back to solo. Run with successful streaks as long as possible.


      damn, congratz man :D

      edit: i rlly wanna learn how to oracle :(

      Этот комментарий был изменён

        Man, you play way to much. I ll congratz on 6k if it has any purpose in ur life, but 50 games in less than 3 days? You should stop before you ruin ur health, I am telling you, you will regret later for doing this to urself. I doubt you can become pro player and even if you do, it still wont be worth of how much effort you put in.


          Everyone decides whats important in his life. If he wants to give it a shot in pro, it's his decision and it's probably worth to him. Not everyone has the same priorities dude, although we all can imagine how hard is to become a pro and actually live from that.


            who says he can't, cya at ti6 bro


              "Everyone decides whats important in his life. If he wants to give it a shot in pro, it's his decision and it's probably worth to him. Not everyone has the same priorities dude, although we all can imagine how hard is to become a pro and actually live from that."

              This is not giving a shot to become a pro. I called that in example of sumail, 15 year old kiddo gets invited to tier 1 team to play in china. Thats what you call giving a shot. Thats when you decide to choose between ur education; social life or playing dota as pro.
              And no, I dont think that 17 year ( i think that is OP age, right?) should decide what is important in his life. He only does what he likes to do and that is playing dota in sick amounts and justifying it with some crazy dream that some tier1 team will pick him up. Thats not deciding what is important in your life, its only running from real commitments. Anyway, I am not here to tell him what to do with his life (even though somebody should suggest him), I am just saying that he might regret it one day in couple of years all the time he spent. Its just pointing obvious.