General Discussion

General DiscussionTeam for Tournament.

Team for Tournament. in General Discussion

    Idi nahuy sin sobaki =)


      ^FLAME, i got u on same thread!!!!!!!!


        gamburger ebaniy!


          dread go stream zaebal


            Day bog zdorovya


              Ok, you got me boy, you got me =) Pizdec.

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                lelelele gl


                  Havoc if you want to srsly participate in this tourney you better choose the squad members asap and start practising as 5. If you don't choose me its fine, imjust trying to help by giving you advice, a few casual team ranked matches for training will help get on well with each other. Otherwise your stack hasn't got high chances of winning.

                  bum farto

                    Well as far as practice goes I don't think this is like a long term thing. Just a short tournament.

                    We can try and stack some together and so far we have me, tonkz, matrice, dravic, and possible DDsama or allison to with a couple fill ins should everything go tits up.


                      Havoc if u want me to join add me on this acc bro

                      bum farto

                        Ok just a thing, please stop making plans and talking about this. If i pick you don't feel special, if i don't pick you don't feel left out. I am just doing this almost casually and the team will be decided in a day or two.

                        Confirmed are:

                        Havoc Badger
                        Dravic - Replacing tonkz later

                        DeL is on standby as a support standin.

                        There are a number of people who want in and while i am 100% fine with all of you I do need to pick people based on synergy and openess to play with other people. Stop taking this so seriously we will get as far as we can and again, if that means finals then huzzah!

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                          im gonna cheer for u guys

                          bum farto

                            Game is confirmed (pending response from other team) for the weekend. Can everyone involved in the first match please confirm they are able to make it.

                            Havoc Badger

                            Hex Sigma

                              ^Is there any way we can spectate the game?

                              bum farto

                                The first games won't be streamed by the orgnaizers but I think Tonk's streaming game is pretty strong so she might stream it and I am sure there are others.


                                  its always fun to watch inhouse-type tournies

                                  bum farto

                                    Trying to confirm all three games for Friday evenings so that we have a set time that doesn't change. Can everyone agree to this?


                                      My first game was potato level. Guess there are like 2 good teams only.

                                      bum farto

                                        First game is vs normal skill people, second game is vs 5-6k's, third game vs normal skill players again??? Bracket sorting OP!


                                          yeah i can only play carry, and i think matrice is a slightly better carry :DDD


                                            I can confirm I can play tomorrow evening.

                                            I'll talk to Abomasum

                                            THICC BABY SHUM

                                              dont be shy


                                                i volentueer for the teami am easily higher then 9k

                                                bum farto

                                                  Match starts in an hour. Please everyone be on.

                                                  THICC BABY SHUM

                                                    im at work ((

                                                    bum farto

                                                      Game is actually ticketed under BASECAMP League.


                                                        I hope you fucking lose asshat. The only team you need is uninstall.exe

                                                        I doubt your team will last once they hear you open your mouth and constant whining.

                                                        bum farto

                                                          Sorry tried to lose but didn't I am sorry I disappointed.


                                                            News at 12, they didnt lose, it was impossible to lose against that 3k~~ mmr team. their venge was lvl 6 and ogre was lvl 5 by the time GG was called, and GG was called after enemy lost like 30 kills and all outer towers and DB united was breaking highround defense. :P


                                                              Venge maxed aura, rofl.

                                                              bum farto

                                                                Is everyone in for the match this weekend? Looks like rize.Gaming has replaced another team. Does that mean you won't be able to play Matrice?

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                                                                  im in anytime this weekend if u need spot


                                                                    ill sub if u want a meepo :)

                                                                    bum farto

                                                                      Game today at 18:00 can everyone be on by that time.


                                                                        Yes, sir!

                                                                        Aboma: Yes, sir!

                                                                        bum farto

                                                                          Think we're going live here


                                                                            good luck boys ^


                                                                              wtf is that pick lol

                                                                              the realm's delight

                                                                                ^ this +)

                                                                                bum farto

                                                                                  Some heroes were suggested that people were confident would work which is fine, I think SF getting out of control was a little but much. Still a fun game and was going our way till the they just snowballed.

                                                                                  You live and you learn.


                                                                                    that pick wouldnt have worked even if best team in the world played on it

                                                                                    doom doesnt contribute at all to early game minus his ulti so therefore his quite useless until he gets blink and +1 item

                                                                                    lich is pasive hero who usualy sits behind and does nothing , same with aa ulties and slow only while siting behind

                                                                                    lina agresive hero but needs heavy backup being extremely squishy and am super farm hungry carry that needs shit tons of space before he can come online earliest point usualy with bfury threads manta

                                                                                    so that ensured that enemy mid will get whatever he wants and pasive offlaner with linch wouldnt achieve anything either vs triple stun lane

                                                                                    bum farto

                                                                                      Blame DD for the doom :/ he really wanted to play it. Still, thanks for the advice.

                                                                                      Lets take the same draft and remove the doom, what other offlane would you suggest?


                                                                                        against triple stun lane prettymuch any duo lane would have lost but i guess something nuke heavy range like skywrath or windranger or some semicarry that could just sit under tower and static farm utilizing the sacrifice lane controling

                                                                                        i think biggest problem was pasive supports against shadowfiend like instead of aa getting lion or venge (both tier1 supports)

                                                                                        edit: actually bristleback or timbersaw would have both did extremely well against trilane combiend with lich

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                                                                                        bum farto

                                                                                          I did think about the bristle....but was worried how well he would do vs the slardar and venge.

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