General Discussion

General DiscussionIs Bogi 5k mmr?

Is Bogi 5k mmr? in General Discussion

    congrats bogi. You devotion paid out!


      Oh no, Bogi first picking heroes again gg goodbye 5k forever and ever.


        Not possible to win game with instant pick sf Opposite team only troll/axe/sniper/lina heroes stupid tryhards next 50 games I ll play only Sniper/troll/Jugger LETS SEE MY MMR IN 50 games 5200 will be what a fucking tryhard idiots can`t even play 1 normal casual game at ranked.


          I love how sniper is tryhard hero now LOL


            Yes he is

            Giff me Wingman

              BOGI 4k 4 life

              Luxalpa, Tail of Devastation

                "I calibrated at 4.5k on this account which is now my main and games are just like WTF. Yes, people know how to farm descently, but they are so damn egoistical and stupid."

                Oh funny, that's also what I noticed. I think I rather keep playing unrankeds from now on. Won a game against Vroksnak a few days ago. :D

                waku waku

                  try instapicking pudge instead


                    Smaug - hehe, glad you raped V-god and spoil his smurf winrate :) But since i want 5k (which i played mostly in unranked before calibration), i just have to play ranked. Btw another thing that i noticed is SHITTON of bought accounts. I just had at least one if not 2 in the few previous games. No one can coinvince me that you can go 0-10, 0-15 or even 0-20 in 5 last games and be legit 4.5k player.

                    This guy is one example with pretty much 0 impact and farm and horrible kda's:

                    Этот комментарий был изменён
                    Mortimer Smith

                      ii love low prio in 3 focking accounts


                        I m back at my record 5k+ mmr now hell yeah