General Discussion

General DiscussionSomeone with dotabuff + please tell me something

Someone with dotabuff + please tell me something in General Discussion

    My winrate when I have prophet in team in last 3 months? I bet its 0%

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      Nature's Prophet 30.43%
      23 games


        I've recently had a guy who flamed a instapick Earth spirit that he never wins with Earth Spirit in his team.
        This guy played terrible (the whiner/flamer) and we concluded you may be the problem. Not the Earth Spirit, or in your case: Furion.

        Although, most players are terrible at playing Furion the Prophet.


          Who wouldn't win with a midas prophet who afk farms whole game and never joins his team right? :D People are still dumb and will sadly remain that way.

          Этот комментарий был изменён
          kanye went to uni

            omg bogi was soooooo close to 5k holy shittttttt

            kanye went to uni

              that troll game would have gotten him 5k :O

              kanye went to uni

                also in that game how was the axe? he's like the funniest poster on nadota


                  Axe was fine but Lc was 4700 trash who died fb. at rune and than purpose keep feeding 0-4 offlane in 3 min.

                  The Maestro

                    an u find out if u have played with a pro? on DB? if so can someone tell me plz :) i think i played with HR.Aphoninje or however you spell it

                    bum farto

                      Come on now bogi, throwing around stuff like 4700 trash is like getting pissy with poor people after you spent 2 years living on the streets. Kinda snobby don't you think?





                          difference between 4.7k and 5k is 10 fucking games