General Discussion

General DiscussionChoosing Bot Difficulty

Choosing Bot Difficulty in General Discussion

    I have decided that before I piss anyone else off in solo queue by being shit at carry I would practice last hitting against bots. I have chosen Riki to be my carry and I am getting absolutely destroyed against hard bots. When I play with a human team vs bots it's easy to win the game but when I have bot teammates I just cannot last hit for shit and I die constantly. I was thinking that because my MMR is low anyway (1200) that I would just pick easy or medium bots but I don't know if I would be wasting my time. Any advice?

    He's Panicking

      1200mmr, Hard bots will be hard kappa?! drop that level to something you can manage for now. Bots are actually awful though, they do the same thing in every game, lane/5 man/push towers. They will always TP to defend their towers so once you figure them out you should never lose. IE.... Bots are awful, rather play unranked as you will learn more.

      To practice last hitting and mechanics, play with no bots or 1v1 mid vs a bot or something to get the hang of it. Riki isnt a great hero (At that rank it might be better, but early sentries destroy him). Rather go for something strong with good base damage that has some passives so the control is easier, maybe void or PA or something. when learning, getting your game mechanics decent will go a long way to making you better. When I started playing I watched a bunch of Purgegamers stuff on youtube, now I know he is decent and not much more but his vods really did help my game.

      Good luck


        Thanks for the help. I chose Riki because people at 1200 MMR almost never buy sentries and barely know what dust is. Once I move up in MMR I'll move on to void or PA or something. I actually prefer support, which is why I really want to get into a higher MMR where I can have more of an impact as support.

        He's Panicking

          Fair enough re riki, When I started I found invis heroes a safe pick as people did only buy sentries and dust way too late, I had a thing for Bounty on my main acc, my last bounty game was 5 months ago there as I came to realise he was not that good of a hero and the invis is only temporary as the quality of opponents gets higher and gems/Sentries start to ruin your games in a big way.

          On the support side, why dont you play a select few supports in games for a while, like 5 or so of the really good ones now, ones that can almost be semi carry type supports like Shadow shaman/Lion/ogre/witch doc/veng and even mirana? heroes like that have high game impact as well as doing the supporty stuff and if you can get heroes like that strong you can take them up the ranks.


            well.. to practice last hitting, u shouldn't play riki, u should play conventional carries like troll, antimage, sniper (good attack animation), Gyro (good attack animation), something like that. Practicing with Shadow Fiend is really good


              play sf with no items and skills, or full str morphling is even better.


                i mean in a lobby ofc

                saving private RTZ

                  As they said go in lobby and practice. Riki is good, its a super strong hero, not because of invis, but for smoke and backstab. Oh, and 6 blinks will always keep you on enemies asses. He is even more powerful in hands of a high skilled player who understand that riki is a carry and needs FARM, so stop being a walking ward. A good riki is defined by being aware of enemies inventory, checking them for dusts and sentries.

                  Pahdrino spammed riki and slark to 7k mmr, lel


                    To be fair, unfair bots rape some 3k players.

                    I think at this point you should probably practice pure mechanical skills? Farming mechanics (knowing when and where)/getting used to heroes/constantly checking opponents health/items/inventory etc etc

                    Watch videos of good players (like aui_2000's replay analysis) to get a feel of what you should be thinking when you go into a game. I think that if you are actively seeking to improve, you should be able to get out of that bracket in no time.

                    Good luck


                      I raped unfair bots with cm mid , madness phase divine bkb




                          wat u talking about man

                          doesnt matter what skill-level u put bots on cause your bots will always win the game for u (unless u feeding)

                          just stay afk Kappa

                          saving private RTZ

                            ^ that happen just in easy? My brother (6 years old maniac) plays with bots and I noticed that when he leave the PC the bots actually win for him. I tried in hard and unfair and there is usually a monster farmed bot, usually CK, Razor, viper who usually owns your team lel