General Discussion

General Discussionwhy im not in very high skill bracket

why im not in very high skill bracket in General Discussion
Fun Killer

    my main 4.4k solo im smurfing now in this acc but i cant get into very high skill bracet yet.i dont get it can u expilan that to me pls what can ı do for gettin inte very high skill?

    casual gamer

      get better at the doto

      why do you want ur smurf in VHS? I thought the point of a smurf was getting ez wins


        or to get to mmr that u dont deserve


          Your friends.

          Mortimer Smith

            Or he got in his main a mmr that he doesn't deserve LMAO

            Fun Killer

              i have 135 game its for high mrr now if i get 3.8 or something i disappointing my self

              Mortimer Smith

                look, i studied dota mmr, during years of investigation i get a conclusion, dota hiden mmr is like elo in chess.

                The first games have a great impact in your mmr, if you do nice impact you can climb to normal skill to very high, and viceverse, but when you have 30 games played the impact is not so huge, its like 10 bad games for go from VHS to NS, when you have 130 climb from HS to VH is almost like the Ranked games do.

                I don't really know how it works, it's what i think.


                  you ought to study some english first


                    "you ought to study some english first "


                    @OP - i dont think your main is 4.4k from your farm and impact. I think more of a 3.8k, thats why you have problems getting into VSH.

                    MOA KIKUCHI ASTRALIS

                      perhaps you arent playing your comfortable heroes?
                      if maybe u started the smurf with heroes you werent good at so the mmr was set at a low level with low uncertainty after accumulating a number of games played and you need to win abit more in order to get into vhs.

                      Fun Killer

                        i play whs now ty guys :d sorry for bad eng btw