General Discussion

General DiscussionOfflane at higher levels is hard as fuck

Offlane at higher levels is hard as fuck in General Discussion



      what are u calling "higher levels"?


        That's very true, but you may also say offlane is only done correctly at higher levels.

        At lower levels (Everything sub 4800, maybe sub 5k) playing offlane is like playing safelane, expect instead of getting a lot of CS you get a lot of kills on enemy supports, if not even on their carry. (Now I'm assuming you're better than that rating, or just good at abusing bad positioning, e.g. wtih your spells)

        I always won my offlane with Mirana until I reached something I don't quite remember. Because supports at lower rankings (everything sub 5k) always/usually harass you and draw creep aggro, meaning lane will push, and you can just trade hits and will always come out on top (talking from perspective of a Mirana).

        When they start harassing you, you arrow them and bang creeps are helping you even.

        I mean, people are just bad before you get into "higher levels".
        When you get into "higher levels" it becomes all about creating space and getting as much as possible.

        That's why I've lately prefered taking Doom to the offlane, cause even if I die, I create space for my team-mates.
        On Doom, a death or three doesn't matter, cause you always have a steady income by devour. Which means playing Doom in higher levels isn't very punishing compared to getting totally screwed as a Clockwerk.

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          Hmm, as a noob, I'm curious: how would a pro, coordinated team deal with the infamous "drow clinkz offlane" that many players say ruined their safelane? I would assume just move your carry to your offlane with supports? Out last hit them (they have 2 cores in 1 lane)? Gank the shit out of them?


            What's a Clinkz+Drow do in vs a proper safelane?

            Share farm?

            How are they gonna farm?

            A support duo that comes by, any of those two can suddenly not even stay in exp range otherwise they'll just die.

            bum farto

              Honestly offlane is only hard if you have decided to embed yourself in the lane till you get item(s) x, or level(s) x.

              What you need to learn to do is identify how much you can extend in the lane, then find other things to do in other parts of the map to help you scale with the offlane. Some things I find useful to remember are...

              1. If they are trilaning they will be sharing exp, and pulling. Make sure you have the camp blocked and are securing the bot rune, and calling out the heroes missing from your lane.

              2. As a solo you level fasters but which do you need. Levels or farm? If you need levels remain at a safe distance till they break the trilane then try and win it back against their level weakened supports or carry. If you need farm then stack ancients, dip into the jungle and pick up a couple creeps.

              3. Carry a TP as a quick turn around fight with you as an addition can mean gold, and exp which you will need. Also it helps to show activity and a saved mid will mean he is more willing to cooperate should you say, hit level 6 and ask him to gank with you to pick up kills. 2x level 6 heroes has more killing potential then 3x level 3 heroes (*depending)

              4. Secure the bot rune where you can or take it and pressure their mid/jungle/supports with the right runes. Try and stack ancients if you're tide and leave your safelane solo while you take them, only returning to soak up safe exp and then go back to the stack.

              5. Items.

              Itemization is important and you need things to help you scale well. Items like stout, tranquil boots, and basilius can help you maintain survival and give you both mana, and HP regen if you drop to low for any given reason without having to make that long arduous trip back.

              6. Pick the right offlane for the right game. Mid heroes, and offlanes should in theory be some of the last picks unless you're in a 5 man stack and are willing to swap roles. e.g. put an offlane Axe/Void mid vs a Pudge.


                Drow and Clinkz are pretty squishy. Most common support combos will be able to zone out drow clinkz and keep them low on xp. Just have a defensive trilane and you pretty much won the game right there.


                  Bot rune? isn't that exclusively for dire?

                  I feel the radiant offlane is harder. Further distance to ancients and no admist-tree-pathing at side shop to secretly leech exp. I guess it has a pull but if they have supports you probably won't have the chance to perform it properly.


                    Dire offlane is harder


                      That's what I heard, what with rosh balance, but how?



                        You do have a point.

                        Whilst Radiant has the exclusivity of being able to pull lane to hardcamp, that's not something that's possible if someone is constantly zoning you out.

                        Then you have 1 option, either afk until they decide to roam/do something so you can sneak into exp range, or you can try to go into jungle.

                        In dire you have way easier access to enemy jungle and you can contest pulls way less riskier than contesting pulls on radiant.

                        Basically you can play more aggressive given the opportunity depending on what hero you play on Dire offlane, also you can roam towards mid thru jungle, which in something you can do on Radiant as you are very likely to be seen doing so.


                        As Havoc said though, this all depend on what hero you're playing. What you should do depends on situation and wether you are Doom, Tide or whatever: Sniper?

                        EDIT: Actually depend on so much. Think about this:

                        - What hero do I play
                        - What's my goal in this game?
                        - How aggressive can I be?
                        - Is trading 2 deaths for early lvl 6 worth it? (Like, should you risk and play aggressive for EXP, or should you play safe and be a lvl 4 clockwerk 7 minutes into the game?

                        - What heroes does my enemy have? Sand-King? Then maybe I could take a trip into enemy jungle and fukc with him.
                        - Does my hero has better options on Dire than Radiant offlane?

                        If you pull enemy carry from lane to attempt killing you, you're creating a lot of space.

                        The problem is at lower rankings people don't really take advantage of the space you make that well.

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                          The last line is really true! I get upset a lot because I'm getting zoned for 0 lh but the other team's offlane is literally hitting my carry, and that makes me mad and try and be aggressive but then I just die. Though this is kind of falling into the
                          "blaming teammates" category.

                          I should probably just git gud.