General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to go through 4k trench?

How to go through 4k trench? in General Discussion

    Hi. Im fucccin stuck at 4.1-4.3k rating area. And each time im reaching 4.5 i have a huge lose strick with flamers leavers e.t.c
    For example from 8 of my last games we have:
    >3 wins.
    >2 qop games which were already won but have been ruined by leaves/internet problems on my team/retarded unpausing
    >2 1h games on ES which were thrown by a core player like qe-invoker midas+orch has no BB or slark going to suicide on enemy's fountain instead of crashing rax.
    >A silencer game. WHEN UR SLARDAR FARMING BKB AGAINST 4 STRONG Phys heroes AS FIRST ITEM. I mean no dagger.

    OFC there WERE my mistakes taken but the amount of trash is unbelievable coz those games were not really depended on how go I am but were depended on some kind of random stuff.

    And i was meeting a lot of nice players who had the same problem as mine. Actually we mostly won a game easily when were on a same side.

    I think that makes a difference between a 4k player and a 5k+ booster/smurfer. =An ability to win by ONLY your own.
    BUT IM JUST A PLAYER. And i want a MM-system allows me to play a honest mutch.


      4k isn't a trench.

      People are good enough that they generally know what they are doing. If you can't get out it's because you deserve your MMR there.

      That being said, there are bad players everywhere. Be it they were carried/boosted by a friend, or bought an account, or just smurfed with Zeus before it was nerfed.

      I don't play much ranked because I was in 3k retardo land, but as I've gotten more into 4k the games are getting easier. My WR has gone up by about 10% in ranked.

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      NextStep ®

        All you need is 60% winrate. Win 6 out of 10 games.
        However, you need to have strong mentality to withstand 40% shit random play by your teammates ( provided you don't make any mistake ).


          "4K trench"

          Some of you guys here on DB forums make me laugh.


            trenchs exist only in your mind. if u play better than ur current mmr, u will win more than lose. if u r stucked, then that's your real mmr.



              Same here. There is a nasty trend, that unless you are a 5k+ player - you are trash. I think everyoone, who happens to be normal, calm and willing to improve should be respected. Independant on their current lvl or status.


                I don't respect anyone below 6000 and I am just 5000 myself. I mean, the target of climbing is to get better, and the number just says how many games you've won. I'm not going to call myself good until im 6k+

                5000 mmr is nothing, it's still trash (relative to actually good players who are above 6k)

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                NextStep ®


                  IMO, anything > 5.3-5.5k ( depends on what server ) is pretty much the same as most of the times you're playing against high 4ks - low 5ks.
                  It's just about how much you grind from there onwards.


                    ^ More grinding means better players/more knowledge, but yes, I agree, from 5k+ mmr gets inflated and starts to mean less.


                      ^sour grapes :P
                      agreed w santa clock btw

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                        Omg guys. A also saied that i DO mistakes but the problem is that i want a DESERVED WIN in hard match more than a ranking number in my profile. Fountain-suiciding, 4x5, 3x5 is not what u are going to have while pushing Find ranked match button.