General Discussion

General DiscussionGreat Last hitting tip for newbies

Great Last hitting tip for newbies in General Discussion

    im not sure if theres many new dota players like me who struggle with last hitting troll this forum, i but if you are i got some great tips that helped me a lot in my last hitting. Dont get me wrong i still suck at it and fuck up a lot but i suck so much less now and no one laughs at my last hitting skills in games any more :D
    The key is your ranged creeps, i have read about it in last hit guides on net but never really paid attention to it. Thats what makes you fuck up when u last hit the most. Ill just keep it simple...
    Pay attention to your ranged creep projectiles all the time and time it that you last hit before it kills a creep.
    Always go for creep thats beeing attacked by your ranged creeps first
    Practice this in lobby with no bots or items ( maybe get some tangos and boots but dont get any stats items) this is the best way to practice it and it dont take long at all to get used to it. After a while you wont even need to stare at ur ranged creep you will automaticly know when it will hit

    I think this should be in red bold text in any last hitting guide....imo this is most important part that make people miss last hits.


      Also, typing this in the console when you're searching for games has helped me a good bit... "dota_tutorial_start lasthit" ... you can play it while searchign and just ready up and keep practicing right up till load starts. Great for getting used to new hero attack animations and projectile speeds and just warming up before a match in general.

      Dune, the Desert Planet

        That is correct. Despite the fact that ranged creep deals 21-26 damage per hit, it is still more than 19-23 (melee creep damage). Armor and damage types should also be considered, both creeps have unarmored armor, melee has normal damage and ranged has piercing damage. Meaning ranged creeps deal 150% damage when hitting melee creeps do to piercing bonus on unarmored.


          up .