General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy is sniper considered to be the best carry in this patch?

Why is sniper considered to be the best carry in this patch? in General Discussion

    So, i had a pretty bad game with a troll-lina lane with a zeus who stole my farm and refused to help me and the only thing he did was killsteal all game long.

    I was like 0/9 at one point of time, but i kinda turned it around.We won, but i really didn't see the "Sniper magic" in this game, more like "spin to win mothafucka" in action.

    I'm pretty sure the sniper sucked, and that i suck too, but anyways, what is this sniper?

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      sniper got built in skadi and another skadi that stack with his built in skadi


        oh.that's sounds about right.

        So.... tanky machine of death sniper?

        Pom Pom 🍕

          Probably because he had a very weird skill build. He was safelane 2v1 and maxed take aim first? No points in headshot until maxed take aim, and maxed shrapnel last despite two points in it early. Shrapnel is what you want to max first now.


            so, shrapnel is maxed due to it's amazing zoning out capabilities? so basically what sniper now does is, he zones out the enemies AND secures farm, doing something it normally takes 2 people to do. amirite?


              Where does it say he's considered to be the best carry this patch?


                just one of those heroes that becomes really hard to deal with unless you have someone that can deal with him. Fortunately there are plenty of heroes that can close the gap and fuck him up, and ensure that his mid-late game is fucked by a poor start.


                  Thing is, snipers headshot is 40% at all lvl and headshot cant miss, so basically at lvl 1 he can have a semi-mkb to deal with the current meta that have evasion such as troll with his axes, pa and such. Hes also good at killing with his shrapnel and late game if fed, he becomes a nightmare to push highground against him. He can stand so far back so any blink initiation is impossible if the sniper position himself correctly. With a few items his dps becones insane so even if you find him you cant get to him before youre already dead.

                  Heroes like slark counters him badly though, anything slippery or anything with a blink( unless high ground ) is good.