General Discussion

General Discussionwho is the best hero ATM (solo)

who is the best hero ATM (solo) in General Discussion
casual gamer



    edit: ebola also

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      If we talk about best heroes to climb mmr solo ladder, I would vote for meepo/earthspirit, undoubtfully. It is easy to see checking top pub players profiles.


        you realize all of those options you picked fill different roles basically?

        Fuyumi Ai Best Waifu

          i think best hero atm is your best hero :|


            ebalo spirit or slark, slark is the all time favourite


              Lina, Sniper, Storm Spirit, Troll warlord are three best heroes to solo queue with.

              Meepo is not a good hero to solo queue with unless youre extremely good with him and even then you can be countered so hard that its not even funny.


                Thats 4 heroes.
                1,2,3 yup, 4 heroes.

                Also troll.


                  am proud to be an troll abuser

                  Last picking is 4 pussies

                    Slark, axe, sf, jugg, sniper.

                    Can't really screw up any of these heroes currently.

                    Earth spirit no just no if it was more people would do it and they don't. Plus late game he tails off.


                      @'29 July 07:45Am

                      i wouldn't be proud in ur place... u are an autolose


                        earth spirit is love


                          ebola for sure.

                          Sup m8

                            Slark...It's hard for me to lose with him.


                              chens good


                                WAT ABOUT STORM


                                  surprised more people dont just pick sky against him


                                    "Earth spirit no just no if it was more people would do it and they don't. Plus late game he tails off."

                                    Lold hard


                                      I lol'd even harder, that hero is ridiculously strong in late game if you know how to build and play him.


                                        Chen is terrible for climbing.

                                        Oracle is okay, however it sucks if your team-mates are all 4ks, cause they will just run away when they should be fighting (EVEN IF YOU SHOUT: FIGHT FIGHT TURN AROUND BE READY TO TURN FIGHT WAT WHY U RUN)

                                        It's most likely Earth Spirit assuming you play a good ES. I don't think Meepo is as good as it was last patch, cause everyone picks Winter Wyvern against him.

                                        Edit: The thing with Winter Wyvern against Meepo is that it doesn't matter if you suck on Wyvern.

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                                          It's not about Wyvern, every second hero counters Meepo in one way or another.

                                          NextStep ®

                                            Best hero is your best hero. I think Troll is good.


                                              Best hero is wisp rapira rush for sure


                                                storm and ember all day every day


                                                  Lich in a duel offlane. Block ez camp well, spam E and if they don't deward their carry will have such a slow start. Great for climbing

                                                  Last picking is 4 pussies

                                                    "I lol'd even harder, that hero is ridiculously strong in late game if you know how to build and play him."

                                                    And yet the dota 2 public in general doesn't take the time to play him but like sheep hopped on the jugg train recently.

                                                    Earth spirit at a minimum takes practice which is quite a bit more than some other heros mentioned.

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                                                      for me its abaddon, earth spirit, phoenix and clinkz

                                                      - heroes that can help you win team fight.
                                                      - heroes that can solo push lane.



                                                        No, it's not about Wyvern, nor all other counters to Meepo.

                                                        A good Meepo can abuse the uncoordinated teams so badly so they can win almost every game.



                                                          your troll is shamefurr disgreice to glorious troll master race communiteh... :/

                                                          learn, young one and inner trololo will sing along in you >:D

                                                          Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                            Skywrath Mage actually. Mainly because he counters everything that is popular right now. Also try him in the offlane, it's stupidly good (you have to be really safe though.)

                                                            yung griphook

                                                              if you can bare the boredom of spamming troll then you deserve to win.

                                                              "TheKid belowMeIs an ass"...

                                                                pa is still ridiculous with bkb

                                                                jess the goat

                                                                  le boosted 8k mmr china account

                                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                                    Just play troll and sniper every game. Why bother mixing it up, those heroes are easy as shit to play and win more than they lose.

                                                                    the realm's delight

                                                                      ta for mid
                                                                      troll for carry

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                                                                      Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                                        Lanaya is best hands down. Every hero is inferior compared to TA.

                                                                        Dune, the Desert Planet

                                                                          Lanaya is best hands down. Every hero is inferior compared to TA.


                                                                            Lanaya is best hands down. Every hero is inferior compared to TA.

                                                                            Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                                                              techies on the rise! Just lost like 5 games now in a row to techies team. Tho every techies game I'm their ally I've lost.

                                                                              THICC BABY SHUM

                                                                                yes, invite ynit hero

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                                                                                  THICC BABY SHUM

                                                                                    forgot pudge