General Discussion

General DiscussionIs it worth picking Luna this meta?

Is it worth picking Luna this meta? in General Discussion

    I love the hero, shes fast, got decent burst and auto attack dmg. She also farms crazy fast in early-mid game with only a few points in glaives and a morbid mask. But it often seems like picking other mid carry like jugg-pa or late game like medusa/void always seems like a better idea. Shes so fragile, shes like a sniper with melee range. She cant manfight until satanic/butterfly. And she needs a bkb most of the time.

    I often go aquila-treads-hod-bkb-manta-butter.

    Ive also discovered that mom works very well with the hero. It kinds of give you that haste rune to get out of sticky situation and it also darms faster than a midas i believe i read.

    Shes good at ratting though but other than that, shes like a frail version of AM without escape blink.

    Do you guys thinks she needs a buff? Or maybe some other carries should get nerfed?

    Mortimer Smith

      Hey! i think luna is boring as shit, but i think that hero were allways good.
      In the pro scene she has a shitty winrate atm

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          bad against troll, jugg

          Dire Wolf

            She's good, even though she does have low base hp and range, she's actually pretty good in lane. If you go a normal build like 3/0/2/1 or 2/0/3/1 she'll hit quite hard from blessing early and the range on her nuke is insane and it's super low cd. Combined with her speed she can catch people easily.

            The issue is really if she gets ganked a lot or zoned out. So it kinda just depends on what the enemy has. Also play her against carries that don't normally build bkb.


              Luna smells


                luna also sux against sniper, who's probably the most cancerous carry now (replaced jugg/troll)

                Linda | DotaExchange

                  Any carry in this meta will shit on her, 24/7. She is great hero, don't get me wrong, just current meta doesn't fit her

                  Dire Wolf

                    Yeah that is a big problem, all the jug/pa/troll pickers just rape her. You are forced to outfarm them by quite a bit to win.


                      Summoning Satie


                        She's a 1 position that simultaneously wants to snowball. I don't think anyone will really get mad at you for picking her in a pub (lie, people get mad for lots of stupid reasons) but you really need to not die and secure farm and also be in fights to pop ulti.

                        Fuyumi Ai Best Waifu

                          luna is all about outfarming enemy cores and finishing game around 30 mins


                            She is the kind of hero that shines at specific intervals of time, notably around 8-9 minutes when she hits level 6, similarly when she hits 11 and 16. she is just so strong when she gets an upgraded ultimate, but then she drops harder than undying in the early game. She is like alchemist right now. It doesn't matter how much you farm if you so easy to be taken down by a juggernaut/troll who farmed half as much as you did.