General Discussion

General Discussionguys im crying.

guys im crying. in General Discussion

    dude. is Crystal maiden jungle a new meta or wot? he said he needs blink. so he jungle. like fuck courier. our offlane feeds.
    mid get rekt. i got a double kill riki dies (someone says its ok if ur team dies ur not).


    Dune, the Desert Planet

      CM jungle existed before you were born son. It's totally legit, since she's a support that can jungle, duh. But I assume you mean jungling core CM (aka idiot mode: activated). Hope no1 does that in my games.

      Pom Pom 🍕

        Who needs courier when you have a cute wolf pet.

        and mods please add :pup: emote.

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        Mortimer Smith



            lol its a core CM what else? like f u c k courier.

            Dune, the Desert Planet

              Well truth be told if someone wants to play core CM, despite being retarded, I would prefer him/her occupying the jungle rather than lane.
              And people say cosmetic items don't affect gameplay. Fucking Arcana brought this upon us.


                Shut your tits all of you! CM ulti reks your shits!


                  She's a fantastic jungling support since she can jungle with frostbite. However, straight-up jungling from level one to rush blink is beyond stupid.



                    ©Nire Johnc

                      he must be researching something that's so out of meta, yet so out of logic as well
                      actually, im wondering, did you win the match or not?

                      Greygrey the Sailor

                        yeah its a new meta. That and gyrocopter river with bottle

                        "Im farming" he says at minute 12 with his bottle and 3 iron branches still running around grabbing bounty runes..


                          I've never seen this happen.


                            of course i lose.


                              meanwhile 30 minutes later she walks from jungle with daedalus ac butterfly and wins the game singlehandedly

                              Giff me Wingman

                                she can jungle, but it's not meant to be afk jungle LoL


                                  New meta lmao


                                    Arin, thats not possible :3

                                    King of Low Prio

                                      with how bad support players are in lane in pubs I dont really mind


                                        I just realised the quality of players on this thread, love it

                                        King of Low Prio


                                          keep your prepubescent crying to one thread plz