General Discussion

General Discussiongreat year beast mode valve!

great year beast mode valve! in General Discussion

    other team: sniper/warlock/zeus

    my team: razor/tinker



      there's literally nowhere enjoyable to play dota anymore

      mm is full of 4k trash and most of the 5k players i get spammed a broken hero to get there and have 0 map awareness or any idea of what they're supposed to be doing

      if valve devs didn't have shit for brains they would get rid of ap mode and implement something semi-competitive like rd or cd (highest mmr drafts, can opt to let someone else draft) because that shit actually worked in high level matchmaking platforms (RGC/Dotalicious) in dota 1, so mmr would be more indicative of your overall skill and not how many games you picked meepo/es/slark/troll/axe (tb/phxfrom previous patches) etc.

      i don't care if i'm 5300, 5500, 5900, or w/e mmr, i just want a game where everyone knows what they're doing and not having 1-2 dipshits who are forced into support role without knowing how to support at all cuz all they play are mid/safelane carry heroes

      the worst part is the shitters who play the game the most are the ones buying hats so valve literally has no incentive to improve game quality at all

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          LOL nice username

          it's so sad how so many people who get to 5k says "omg i'm such a good player!!!!!111" and just end up being trash if they don't get to play one of maybe 3 heroes they know how to play at that level

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            If you actually looked at your own play and recognized your own mistakes, you would be a better player and would get better team mates. Blaming others is easy but gets you nowhere.

            It's untrue that all 5k+ players think they are very good players, in fact, people way above that can still see something they can improve on because dota is so complicated. What's true though, is that most players who think they are better than others complain and create useless threads like this one, so that's funny.

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              EZ MID 9k mmr

                * bark *