General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy did I go down 8 positions in the ranking after winning 1 game?

Why did I go down 8 positions in the ranking after winning 1 game? in General Discussion

    I was diamond 8 and 47th in the ranking with Necrophos. After 1 game ( I went down by 8 positions and got lowered to diamond 7. Why is that? I don't think I did badly that game.

    I don't think 8 persons are suddenly better than me because I won a game.

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      Division includes the difficulties you are facing when playing, in other words - average mmr of your games. And also it changes very slowly. So, possibly recently your mmr decreased, or you started to play in stack with guys from lower bracket than you.
      Btw, I remember once playing 3/5 (3 wins/5 losses) and in the same time gaining 10-12 positions in top (timber) cz somehow I gained +2 divisions with losing.


        Fews days ago i played with the 2nd highest MMR guy in EU, had pritty nice stats and won the game but still lost points in the rankings.

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        Dune, the Desert Planet

          Why do you give a fuck?


            >Division includes the difficulties you are facing when playing, in other words - average mmr of your games. And also it changes very slowly. So, possibly recently your mmr decreased, or you started to play in stack with guys from lower bracket than you.

            It literally was that only game of solo queue, I was 47th and diamond 8. My mmr didn't change at all, still going stable.

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              What I mean is that it does not depend on mmr directly, it depends on mmr of your games. For example (just hipothetivally), u could get division -1 if b4 that you used to play as a stack with couple of guys with mmr 1k higher than both ur solo and party, and therefore played in higher bracket. And now u decided to play solo (for the first time in half a year, hipothetically), and due to the fact that ur solo is a result of above explained not up to date and relatively low, u got to play in lower bracket.
              Hope u got what i mean, cz the structure of my answer is not rly well developed, lol. Sorry for that.