General Discussion

General DiscussionMoM on Slark?

MoM on Slark? in General Discussion

    Have u tried it?
    Just logically, seems viable (attack speed is core cz u steal attributes, u cant be attacked anyways when u use shadow dance), but I didnt see this itebuild since ~5 years ago back in 1st doto.


      +30% dmg taken, slark is very easy to burst down and doesnt want to be bursted down even harder, you usually stack up on stats like aquila treads drums sange and yasha skadi so that your survivability buffer raises.

      MoM seems good in vacuum but not if there's a nuker around. and yes you can be attacked when you use shadow dance with any AoE spells.


        ye, im aware of it, but still.
        f.e. to get mom after skadi, if stuff is going good?


          like, well, same stuff can be said about sf, but mom is still sometimes built for this hero. and imo mom for slark is better than for sf.

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            You would get in in place of Blink Dagger or Shadow Blade, not in addition to.


              why? dont see any obvious intuition behind such a statement.


                Never made it, but I don't like the idea. Slark benefits a lot from stacking stats and needs resistence since he's pretty fragile without items. I imagine you would do MoM as one of the first items and not in the late game, so it would get you way too squishy.


                  well, mom is another way to deal with same problem. since you are killed fast, you can either focus on some sort of burst to use the time u have max possible, or increase ur surviving potential.
                  btw personally dislike the idea as well. it just ocasionally came to my mind.


                    30% extra damage is a lot if they have aoe abilities, which still hit you in shadow dance


                      mom on slark is madness
                      no kappa

                      Dire Wolf

                        Mom is a good farming item, and slark doesn't use it to farm. He'll farm with Q or farm heroes. Mom really only works great on heroes who can mitigate dmg like void with his chrono, or ranged heroes who can hit from a distance like sniper/drow, or maybe on a couple heroes who burst with big combos like sven/magnus.

                        It's not like it's terrible item on slark, just other things are much better.

                        MOA KIKUCHI ASTRALIS

                          think you only get it if ure going bkb aswell