General Discussion

General DiscussionIs winning the only way to increase MMR?

Is winning the only way to increase MMR? in General Discussion

    Can you only increase MMR by 25 points per game won? I ask only because I know that wins and losses are not the only metrics factored when calculating MMR, so why would it be the only way of increasing it? Is it different between solo and team MMR? Thanks for answers.


      Yes, you can only get MMR per game won though not necessarily 25, I've gotten 43 before but the MMR of the teams were skewed in the opponents favour.

      Because there are too many variables to use that method of counting in additional stats I suppose. The bottom line being if you're good, you'll win eventually. Then why use those stats for hidden MMR? Because I imagine what it would be like if a 5k player had to grind up from 3k.

      There is no perfect MMR system.


        Thanks man that pretty much answers my question. Its a pity that the system cannot accurately show individual improvement after calibration i.e. I calibrate at a low level MMR but improve vastly over a period of 6 months (for example), yet I only climb the ladder at +-25 points at a time.


          One more thing. I have not yet begun to calibrate solo MMR so would that mean that my solo 'hidden' MMR could/would still be altered based on more than just wins?


            so u 'improve vastly over a period of 6 months'? then ur mmr should be slowly climbing up throughout the 6 months?
            Or u continuously improved for 6 months but mmr stays at 6 months ago?

            King of Low Prio

              If you vastly improve then your MM will rise drastically. Stop focusing on individual matches and realize that MM is based on a large sample pool


                If you improve as fast as other people in your bracket, you will not gain mmr, if you improve slowlier then you will actually decrease in mmr.


                  If you learn to farm better, or have better map awareness, or whatever metrics you can think about, by default you will win more games then before.

                  This only applies at the top of mmr.

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                    there is no concrete proof on whether or not on how the hidden MMR works once someone becomes eligible for ranked but I think it is generally agreed that it is still calculated differently. I've seen people mention on these forums how someone could have 'Very High Skilled' for unranked but only 'High Skill' for ranked because they improved in unranked when their MMR was already set in stone.

                    That being said, I'd just go for Ranked if I was you. Rapid changes in unranked MMR usually occur in the first few games, not in the 500th like yours. Go ranked, people do take it more seriously there if ever so slightly so you can improve faster. Seeing it go up overtime will be much more motivating than grinding unranked where you have no idea how your MMR is changing.

                    Dota is a game where it is possible to rapidly improve. Find a streamer of a hero you like, watch a few of his games/replays and mimic them in your games. Eventually you'll develop a more efficient playstyle and your MMR will rise in time.

                    Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                      Doto is 5v5 game. IT doesn't matter if you have 500apm or 500 last hits or 3000 kills if your team loses your MMR drops.


                        This applies anywhere. 2.5k nowadays much better than 3k at the time MMR was implemented.


                          @ Mimic

                          Thanks man, this is pretty much the answer I was looking for.


                            "IS WINNING THE ONLY WAY TO INCREASE MMR?"

                            No. Ogre Magi OP.