General Discussion

General Discussiondont report ur teammates for being bad plz

dont report ur teammates for being bad plz in General Discussion
waku waku

    they might report u back and make you get low priority or stuff

    Bobbyx Qrwa Mac

      You might as well report people without flaming them


        i just report everyone for no reason

        i mean why not i get my reports back eventually anyway


          I do it all the time, and will not stop until this awful report system is changed.


            The people it asks you to rate after games are the ones who commend/reported you, so you need to wait until they disconnect from game at the end to report them without consequence


              ^Report like ninja. =)

              swift beaver

                i report ppl for everything since the day i was in low priority for doing nothing...

                -picking gay heroes
                -being dicks
                -picking gay heroes
                -did I mentioned picking gay heroes?
                -crying for wards
                -picking carries first and then cry for supports
                -sexual texts (i want to fuck your avatar so bad or something like that)
                -did i mentioned picking gay heroes?

                lol didn't knew that you had better to wait until they dc, so they don't know that you reported them
                -report ppl asking for reports
                -reporting bad winners who does fountain diving or writes eZ game or something like that

                Этот комментарий был изменён

                  sure it asks to rate people that reported u lmfao

                  thats dumbest shit i ever heard


                    Gay like Skywrath Mage or Lesbian Commander?

                    Этот комментарий был изменён

                      Faceless gaylord, troll gaylord, Gay walker Night stalker, gay spirit. many gay heroes in this game

                      THICC BABY SHUM

                        ^report for having dog picture


                          ITT: Dota players conspire to vote against gay rights.

                          "TheKid belowMeIs an ass"...

                            you should be able to report people for bad


                              low priority people will now only be able to play all random mode, so you don't want that to happen to fellow dota players do you?


                                "The people it asks you to rate after games are the ones who commend/reported you, so you need to wait until they disconnect from game at the end to report them without consequence"

                                that is not accurate.


                                  "The people it asks you to rate after games are the ones who commend/reported you, so you need to wait until they disconnect from game at the end to report them without consequence"

                                  What? I always get someone to "rate" after I finish a game and my commends sure aren't piling up. So, they are all reporting me? I don't think so since I'm not being muted nor put in LP.


                                    Thats just what the guy in valve video said. some long video of white valve guy giving a conference


                                      think you must be mistaken cos i often get asked to rate my mate who is in a stack with me and pretty sure my mate isn't reporting me.

                                      however, he does get reported a lot so maybe you get asked to rate a team mate post-game who has been reported (by anyone) in-game?

                                      for example, i'm pretty sure i got 3 reports in this game: i was stacked with blahblahblah and they were a 3-stack. at the end of the game my mate was asked to rate me and vice versa.

                                      swift beaver

                                        My list for reporting gay Hero picks:
                                        -picking invis heroes (riki, bounty, except invoker)
                                        -2 carries picked. asked to Play mid and nobody complains. Then the 3rd guy picks a carry, too -> reported for picking gay hero
                                        -picking a 3rd Support hero and tries to carry with him
                                        -picking obvious dumb choises, like wraith shit against anti fuck or Phantom Spencer.