Dude, wtf is with your farm/last hits. Not even 3k's farm that bad or am i missing something?
just a heads up dude, maxing dispersion first is REALLY bad. Other than the first point, the incremental benefits of additional points into it is really low (even stats gives better EHP), and more importantly, you are missing out on heaps of damage. You actually hit really, really hard with a maxed desolate by 7, and will help you pick up the kills that you really need (particularly in games if you can't farm much in the lane). Go for something like a 1-1-1 and then start putting points into desolate and dagger.
If you had Phase + OoV (maybe a PMS too) and an allied stun, with a dust you could easily man up and kill riki. But if you max dispersion first and riki has his own PMS, you would deal next to no damage and he can just keep right clicking you. Just keep in mind that desolate is PURE damage, so those agi heroes with low HP and high armor are actually quite vulnerable to your attacks.
reason for my skill build:
1) it was a solo safe lane against an aggressive riki, warlock and a pudge who roams and gets the rune every couple of minutes. Rubick was out there roaming and SK was doing his jungle stuff.
2) i don't have a chance in getting a triple kill in early game against these aggressive heroes. but it did happen because of my urn -> vanguard and max dispersion.
3) if there was an item mistake, it could have been the blademail. I panicked bought it when I was about to die.
reason why people suck on heroes is that they tend to have multiple item builds but only 1 skill build.
there was no way my desolate will proc during early and mid game because warlock --> riki --> and pudge were always ganking. desolate on an enigma who has eidolons? desolate on a jugger who can omnislash? i could have built a glass cannon spectre maxing desolate but I won't be able to help in team-fights and I will only have brown boots to go with it since I will play very passively.
EDIT: correct me if i'm wrong. i'm open to advises. but please watch game before making stupid comments.
^ desolate is relevant because haunt illusions benefit from it, and once the laning stage breaks down you certainly will be able to get procs from it on pickoffs. spec is a hero that joins the fight late and goes for the backline anyway. I dont think I can really agree with maxing dispersion first, to be honest.
stats is more useful for surviving than 2-4 disp most likely.
^ i do the Desolate style when i have people supporting my lane. but i build her for survivability early game because there was none. it was each on his own. Anyway, pointless conversation if no-one has watched the replay.
Question is, was that the reason why we lost? No. The game was ours for the taking had SK didn't disconnect - in-spite of previous decision of WR to go split push.
EDIT: Stats way I haven't tried before.. hmm interesting.. maybe I'll try that sometime
no one is saying that is the reason for your loss, nor is it relevant. What we are talking about is how you could have played better, because that should be all that matters to you. your play is all that you have control over, so why care so much about your teammates?
1-1-1 stats has better survivability early. dispersion adds 4% reduction past level 1, which is less hp than stats until you have over 1k hp - but stats give you other benefits. Desolate makes you better at pickoffs which are key to making a comeback.
Zenoth I just want to say that I like your attitude, it's too bad people use these forums as a diary blog rather than actually asking for constructive criticism.
You seem to think all 4.5 games are absolutely uncarriable when in reality you probably have a terrible attitude. Just my impression from what you said of you shouting at your teammates.
^ ok ok . so "another" option for me there was to go passive. let them be aggressive but i stay behind and wait for come back via pick-offs. so should still go desolate. Logically it sounds correct so I see the point.
But it's just another option. It's not the "only" way to do it. I think I've done that before, scenarios when my supports in-lane had to rotate early game because some other lane is feeding. I got left solo but my skill build is desolate. What happens there is I usually get my items by the time the opponent is pushing T3 tower. This would have been acceptable if a team knows how to play safe. But against snowball heroes, (Riki, Pudge) this is a big risk. Had I left an uncoordinated team of Invoker, Rubick, Sand King and WR to fight head-to-head against them, I don't know what could have happened. Normally, a fight starts when 1 of them is already dead. Being able to haunt in, tank and rambo before someone dies so my allies can stand back and still be able to use their skills was something that was very effective.
Personally, what I did is tried and tested and is very applicable in 4k - 4.5k pubs.
2 things I want to try more:
1) Passive play, max desolate against aggressive heroes.
2) Skill Stats instead of LVL2 and 3 dispersion
hey.4k5 SEA scrub here. i agree that the ego in this bracket is fucking insane but the ego appear everywhere, so just ignore it.
the decision making is bad.agree.i sometime review my game and thought "wtf" when i watch my play in the last game from replay.but have 1 friend who is 4k but his decision making is insane.on the other hand, i have a friend on 4.7k but he make u feel like he know nothing abt the meta :/ but his skill is really awsome.and he also have a 2k mmr decision making skill, lel. so what i want to say is the decision making can vary, not all 4k5 is gud at it, but surely there are someone who actually know what's going on.
and yea, u can only improve your skill, not your teamates.be nice is a good choice.i once play so so bad at mid and feed sf 3-0 in the 1st 5 min ( i'm even playing viper, lel ).i admit my bad, i say sorry to my team and try my best to help them to bounce back, and suddenly we won.in that game, if i trashtalk and blame support for not roaming or helping me control runes, they might get frustrated and we would lost for sure.so, attitude is important. get your head down and things will be better.there is no point blaming at someone.
when i want to know how play a hero really efficiently from 5k and above players here ( like valkiss or matrice or many others ), i always repeatly admit that i'm super trash, very noob and very retarded.i dont know if is this really good, but many players here seems to be more nice when i admit that.they give me many nice advice to learn and i can improve easily.
so dude, IGNORE THE FUCKING EGO AND JUST BE NICE, u will be fine
sry for my stupid english
^ thanks man. i see that. having a strong personality and posting here in forums will only give you enemies and haters. will change it.
i only shouted @ them during the final clash. i always try to not rant @ them.
anyhow thanks bruh.
really motivated to get that 5K badge!!
Its okay to know you have a bad attitude I had a bad attitude once to. Just remember you're not there to help your teammates get better at dota you are there to win at all costs ( if you care about climb)
This always being nice saves u from lpq and mute which can save your teammates from getting whiped in crucial situations
Try skipping level 2 haunt until your illusion's relevant.
Also, you need radiance especially if you're poor. I like to call the vanguard diffusal yasha the "useless build" when you're behind since if you skip radiance, you'll stay poor and deal no damage so enemies can just ignore you or kill you in a few seconds with a farmed carry. Radiance is your comeback mechanism. Don't skip it.
Skipping radiance is sometimes good though, like when you're snowballing and just want to be unkillable.
untill 5.5k u gonna sometimes meet idiots anyways, just the higher u get, the lower the quantity of these ppl is.
^ always go max desolate. doesn't work on me. i lost 100-150 MMR points trying to fit this into my style.
i gotta go back to what works for me.
nuff said about expert advise shit.
it also brought down my Spectre ranking from 110ish to 192nd. #fck
it also could be that you just played like shit and your build even though more efficient couldn't make up for it
that's just an option
never heard of spectre being a hero of choice for farming mmr or stats since its very tough to play without a few people to support you. i recommend playing spectre only in party, solo queue is very hard, she has no lockdown, and if you can't farm your radiance and stuff fast game goes to hell very fast.
^ from my perspective, radiance s not the only way to play her.. at least in 4 - 4.5k pubs
no, its not the only way but probably the safest despite being hard to farm up.
yasha diffusal stuff is okay too but doesnt help you farm that fast.
Exactly 4.5k mmr a bit better skill lvl and laning stage thats all. Map awerens and decesions making is even worse
for me, it was always like higher mmr=more interesting games/better ppl. mb I had some luck with dat, or idk.
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bigger EGO: YES worse
overall skill level about the hero: YES better
map awareness: same STUPID shit
high level game decision: same STUPID shit
this is ok:
- we kinda fucked up during laning phase because of Riki
- kinda start turning it around when I triple killed them
- we made Riki and Pudge pay for continuing to roam when our SK already has blink and WR meka
stupidity comes in:
- we were pushing bottom and when WR spawned, she decided to split push top.
- in this game, we have to go 5-man, we lost bottom clash when it would have been a different result if WR was there.
- our SK dc'd and it was 4v5 but Invoker still decided to initiate with a fucking hex - deafening - meteor
- i was shouting @ them to go back because we're playing 4v5 but too late, stupidity came in, we were wiped
There's nothing special about this match. This is not your typical WTF IS THIS GAME?? RANT. It's just 1 reference to 4.5K games.
lessons for me:
- if team makes a stupid decision, don't go with them. I had this mentality @ 4K range. I expected something better @ 4.5K but i guess not.
- was my BladeMail item a wrong decision? I really wanted manta then Heart.
- ego @ 4.5K starts to get bigger, how much more in 5K?